Architecture program

<p>My son was accepted to U of A for pre-architecture. I was curious if anyones child who went to the school for pre-architecture then went on to the architecture program and how hard it was to get accepted into the architecture program. And what happens if they are not selected to move on? Do they just have to pick another major? He really has his heart set on architecture. Thanks.</p>

<p>pha516, I’m no expert on this, but if Architecture programs are like Engineering programs…usually the early years (Freshman/Sophomore) are dedicated to (basic) Pre-Eng classes that all students in the major need to take, no matter what University you attend. This sometimes allows (Eng) students to transfer later to “larger” or “out-of-state” universities if they choose to attend in-state, or smaller schools to start. I would like to believe (and was told this by one large university) that most students in pre-Eng programs are admitted to upper-level (sometimes referred to as professional programs) within the university without any issue. Advisors and tutors make every effort to help keep students on track in their pre-studies. Of course, your son will also need to keep himself motivated in the early years to make that happen. Good luck with UA. I would contact their Arch School directly and talk with them now that your son has been admitted. Go Wildcats, Bear Down!!!</p>