<p>All I see are freshman students commenting on this forum.
Are there any transfer students who have been accepted already or are still waiting to hear back?</p>
<p>I am still waiting to hear back from UCF. My application is being deferred until they receive my final Spring 2011 transcripts.. It's taken them forever! </p>
<p>Also, any math/cse majors out there?</p>
<p>I’m a transfer student. I think there’s a good bit of other transfers on here as well, they just don’t post as much anymore. I was accepted for the Fall term. Not a math or cse major, but I’m majoring in Forensic Science.</p>
<p>@IamBlessed, Congrats on getting accepted! Will you be living on or off campus?
I’ll be coming from San Diego, CA, and I would like to live within walking distance from campus. Do you know of any nice decent places by campus?</p>
<p>Thank you! I’ll be living at the Rosen campus which is about 30 or so minutes away from the main campus. I could not begin to tell you exactly WHERE to live that is in walking distance of campus, since I am not in the Orlando area (about 6 1/2 hours away). However; I have heard good things about Sterling Central [UCF</a> Apartments | Rent Apartments near UCF - Sterling University Central](<a href=“Sterling Housing”>Sterling Housing) which are across the street from UCF. A little on the pricey side, but not TOO bad and it seems like you’d get your money’s worth.</p>
<p>There are two other apartment complexes within walking distance to UCF, but I always hear such bad things about them. I checked them out for myself through research, but have never seen them in person, or know anyone who lives in them personally so I can’t give you an honest review on them. You can check out their websites though… [Luxury</a> Student Apartments and Housing in Orlando | The Pointe at Central](<a href=“Pointe at Central”>http://www.thepointeatcentral.com/) [Luxury</a> Student Apartments and Housing in Orlando | Knights Circle](<a href=“Knights Circle”>http://www.liveatknightscircle.com/) </p>
<p>Their names at one point were Pegasus Landing and Pegasus Pointe. </p>
<p>If you don’t find anything within walking distance that you really like, just remember that there are shuttles offered for student that pick up at various places around the UCF area and at almost all of the student apartments (even the ones that are not exactly within “walking distance” but within a short car ride). Good luck to you on getting accepted!</p>
<p>Im a transfer!
will be starting in the Fall and stayin in the towers…
Im curious as to why some people get deferred, in your case for instance, because they dont have your final transcripts, when I applied they didint have mine either, in fact I just mailed them to them 2 weeks ago and today I called and they are processing them. I got accepted April 28, a month after applying, also, applied for housing after may 1st, and got a dorm like a week and a half later. I cant complain so far…got my orientation on friday finally Ill get to chose my classes! hopefully all the ones I need will be opened!
GOOD luck to u!!</p>
<p>Congratulations, sbm!</p>
<p>i’m a transfer student will be finished with my AA on tuesday. UCF sent me a letter saying they were waiting on verification of the AA, so i’ll know this week if i’m in.</p>
<p>Good luck, bernforever. I’m more than confident that you’ll be accepted.</p>
<p>thank you I hope I do get accepted :). One of my cousins had the same thing happen to her, she got a letter saying they needed confirmation of her AA and when she sent it, she got in.
So hopefully it’s good news.</p>
<p>On the defered issue: I am in the same boat. I figure that my grades weren’t good enough for them to accept me, until I got my AA. My friend at UF said that was the case, but it’s no big deal. I also stated that I would be taking 2 summer classes on my application so maybe they want to see how I would do (I have an A and a B going into finals, so I should be good).</p>