Are any early action acceptees still going to apply to Princeton?!


<p>I was accepted to Yale, but I don’t think I’m going to withdraw my Princeton app. Is anyone in a similar boat? If so, what is it about Princeton that’s causing you to not instantly matriculate wherever you were recently accepted?</p>

<p>For me:</p>

<li><p>Financial aid - I got very little (read: none) from Yale and I’m hoping my chances at Princeton might be a bit better</p></li>
<li><p>The Beauty - self explanatory</p></li>
<li><p>I have some great friends there and it might be great to spend the next four years with them.</p></li>

<p>Yes. In at Stanford, still applying to HP. These three were my only stretches through the whole process, and I would love to have an option between east and west. I haven’t visited the Stanford campus, so I didn’t want to paint myself into a corner by not applying elsewhere.</p>

<p>Yeah, in at Georgetown SFS (my other top choice), but I’m still planning on applying to Princeton. If I get in, it will be one tough decision.</p>

<p>What attracts me to Princeton is:</p>

<li>Beauty- I stepped on campus and fell in love. In addition to natural beauty, its an architectural wonder.</li>
<li>Quality- I’m confident that I could not get a better education anywhere else in the world.</li>
<li>Atmosphere- This one’s impossible to quantify, but somehow Princeton just feels like a great college. In addition, everyone i’ve talked to who knows anything about the school agrees that the environment is phenomenal.</li>
<li>History- I’m a sucker for tradition and history.</li>

<p>3 of my friends are doing the same thing. One got into Stanford EA, 2 others got into Caltech and University of Chicago, and one of those 2 also got into MIT. I’m pretty sure that they are going to enroll in one of their EA choices but they already submitted their application to princeton and just decided, since it’s already paid for, just keep it in.</p>

<p>Wow the princeton battle is gonna be even bloodier than the Bulldog Bloodbath or the Stanford Slaughter I think.</p>

<p>In at Yale, still applying to Princeton & 3 other schools because honestly I don’t want to commit to any one place before actually having the chance to visit and “get the feel” (i’m international). Although of course my chance @ princeton is about zero so you might say it’s just a wishful venture, “applying for the heck of it” thing.</p>

<p>princeton’s going to be rough… but their rd % will be higher than Yale or Stanford’s, methinks, because they dont have 1/3 of their class already filled. </p>

<p>But yeah, the chance of better aid and P>Y in science/econ/engineering/math/physics (any area that I would possibly major in).</p>