are any of you doing your homework?

<p>if so, then...BY GOD... what a bunch of NERDS!!!!!</p>

<p>only NERDS do homework</p>

<p>(i'm just joking. please dont take this the wrong way)</p>


<p>nope but i should be. like really desperately will-fail-my classes-if-i-don’t should be</p>

<p>Second semester senior here… no tengo nada</p>

<p>I do it at school before classes start. My brain is mush at night.</p>

<p>I do all my homework during school, second semester senior, so who cares!</p>

<p>Ooh… except big essays and junk that could destroy a grade when not done… those I still have to do.</p>

<p>It is so bizarre - none of the people I know (at least not the ones who are even semi academic) are slacking off at all. Most of my friends want to finish the year strong and are stressing just because of that.</p>

<p>im actually on winter break, it seems like its almost overrrrrr ahhhhhhhh because i have to do so much hw over the nx 4 days</p>