Are AP Scores a factor??

This question has been bugging me for awhile. Are AP scores a factor for admissions?? When do you send in the scores?? And do you have to send all the scores??

Forgive me for sounding a bit stupid.


<p>Some colleges ask for them on their application. And I think they are a factor, just another area for you to show your talent. I don't think they can hurt you though.</p>

<p>Some schools ask for them specifically. If a school doesn't and you still got good scores, feel free to write them down.</p>

<p>They CAN hurt you if the school specifically asks for your scores and you didn't do well OR if you took the AP course but didn't report the exam score.</p>

<p>It really isn't a significant part of your application, though.</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>has some good info</p>

<p>Most colleges, even the ones who ask you to write down your scores on the application, don't ask for you to send them until the summer, after you've been accepted & you've told them you're coming. It is then used for college credit or placement. But don't even think of lying on your app about your scores.</p>

<p>No schools requires that you send the score report from CB. Some apps ask you to list your AP courses. A few apps also has space for the exam scores to be listed. The only question as to what to do is when the app asks for all of your exam scores and you don't want to list all of them.</p>

<p>If you do request CB to send a score report, all of the scores to date will be on it unless you had a score cancelled or you paid a fee to have a score withheld. The problem with having scores withheld is that you have to let them know way in advance. The main reason to have a score report sent is to get college credit for a course, and you would not do this until fall of freshman year.</p>

<p>For the extremely selective schools, 4's and 5's will help you, but 3's do not.</p>

<p>SAT and SAT II's are tons more important. A good string of 5's will help, but SAT and SAT II's are tons more important. At most, an AP score is one grade in one class, albeit a supposedly harder class. One problem with AP courses is that they have filtered down into the poorer high schools and often the course material is not covered in the class.</p>