Are classes really full?

<p>Good points casino. Your schedule isn’t going to be perfect. If honors & a specific prof is important to you wait a semester or 2 to get in the class.
It gets much easier with priority registration. S could have gotten all the good profs & at great times if he was ready to go at his assigned time for next semester.
You’re just not going to get all 5-6 of the exact classes you want with profs who are rated 4.0.</p>

<p>10 out of 18 sections of 101 honors Survey: Values and Society are full/closed already.
19 out of 23 sections of 120 honors explorations are full/closed</p>

<p>I am hoping that they are closed because they are holding spots for freshman, and not because they are really full/closed.</p>

<p>Last Fall’s class schedule shows those honors 101 classes will have 15 & 20 spots respectively when all is said and done. So far they’re showing 10 & 15 respectively, so figure 5 spots in each section will be opened up.</p>

<p>Long walk from Purdue.</p>

<p>^^ that is good to know, casino. But you can see why it looks a little scary to those of us looking at scheduling options and seeing so many sections of 100 level classes closed before BB sessions even start!</p>

<p>Vline…most of those aren’t full. They’ll have 15 kids per class.</p>

<p>*Also just a little reality here and this isn’t meant to any one person or to be rude. But you’re not always going to get your ideal schedule all the time. There will be classes, certain sections of a class, profs, times etc etc that you want but that are full. This happens especially to incoming freshmen. *</p>

<p>Very true. Getting the perfect schedule isn’t likely going to happen fall frosh semester or maybe a few other semesters either. </p>

<p>That said, the depts are supposed to hold back seats for each section of the 1XX classes and incrementally release them. Otherwise, no one would want the later Bama Bounds because then only later afternoon and evening sections (or dreaded 8am sections) would have open seats. . </p>

<p>Holding back 1XX seats for each BB also doesn’t guarantee a spot for any particular class for anyone, but at least it gives everyone one a fair shot.</p>

<p>M2CK- I understand that from Casino’s post too. But until all of you wonderful experienced parents fill us in on how this works, those type of little things makes our newbie BP go up and our hearts race. Many of us are right there on the edge of a panic attack anyway!! </p>

<p>I am sure you remember that feeling getting your first off to college!! </p>

<p>I think that the only thing that has kept me off medication is the knowledge I get from the parents and students on this board that continues to feed me info, and calm the nerves. I also have not run across many posts anywhere that reports students having trouble getting classes they need to graduate, or have large problems with scheduling. This is a huge problem at many colleges right now. So I take comfort in that small bit of info. </p>

<p>The moving classes around and choosing different classes is something that we are familiar with from both HS and the local CC. It’s just the way things work!</p>

<p>I can understand the “fear” when you’re not familiar with things. And I recall the “fear” I heard in my child’s voice when he called me after his BB session saying he got nothing that he wanted. I told him to relax and we’d get his schedule fixed. </p>

<p>That’s why I say to look back at previous years class schedules to give you an idea of what’s going on. You can garner a lot of info by looking at previous years class schedules and the listed syllabus for those classes. And we’re always here to help on CC.</p>

<p>You might not get the exact section you want all the time but you’ll most likely get the class.</p>



<p>True that. And very Jaggeresque: [You</a> Can’t Always Get What You Want (chorus) - YouTube](<a href=“]You”></p>

<p>As a side note, getting the class/section/time/prof you want doesn’t always mean it will stay that way…sometimes the classes end up getting moved or combined and that changes the time and/or location. Flexibility is VERY important. Fortunately, this is not a frequent occurrence but it stinks when it happens.:)</p>

<p>If it’s any comfort, you can tinker with your schedule throughout the summer. My son went to a late June Bama Bound (could not attend the honors ones because of AP exams and other commitments). He thought he had a good schedule, and then he went to see the professor who became his adviser. This professor wanted him taking a different class, but there were no openings. The professor made a call, and later, my son got a spot in the class. About five weeks after Bama Bound, my son went online and again tinkered with his schedule to enroll in another class.</p>

<p>Throughout the summer, students will add a class, drop another. This often happens after AP scores come out. In the past, the Honors College has offered some additional courses once Bama Bound has started.</p>

<p>That said, just keep checking regularly. Come to think of it, around exam time, my son dropped a class and decided to take a different one based on a friend’s recommendation. </p>

<p>So, you’ll get classes. You may not love all of them. You may not like the times that all of them are offered. But, remember this. It is just one semester. Take something that you may not normally take. You may be surprised how much you enjoy the class and the professor. My son is taking two classes online this fall. He took several APs online in HS, so he’s comfortable with learning online.</p>

<p>vlines: As far as I know, my son does not have one friend who has not been able to get a class that he or she needs to graduate.</p>

<p>Oh, and do not forget that you need to eat. So schedule a break daily so you can do lunch or dinner.</p>

<p>As we were looking at schedule options, my son wanted time open before “heavy” classes, so he could review/study prior to the class if he needed the extra time. </p>

<p>We are going in a day or two before the BB so we can look around the campus and possibly meet some of the CS faculty and his advisor. DS will contact them next week and try to set up a specific time for the meeting if possible.</p>

<p>i didn’t really expect preferential treatment. i just hoped that by going to the first Bama Bound she would have more of a selection and not run into so many full classes. I’ll let you know how it actually goes! Hopefully she will find some of those classes open and will be able to get into a couple. She is just wanting the perfect schedule… a perfect balance between a couple easy A’s, honors classes, time for football, time to exercise and play tennis, time for sorority commitments and social time … She’s 18! Let her dream! She is actually considering a 5:00 class on Mondays for an hour…GASP!</p>

<p>Again, I tell my friends that CC is my new addiction. Others are addicted to facebook,, words with friends. This is the first place I check … scary I know!</p>

<p>^^^As we say in CC Anonymous, the first step is acknowledging you have a problem. :)</p>

<p>Glad to have you on board.</p>

<p>collegeboom,don’t know which prof your child was looking at for honors econ, but I can tell you that my DS absolutely LOVED Dr. Pecorino! He gave my son a certificate for best econ student along with a tub of pecorino cheese!!! My DS said he was an excellent professor. Hope he still teaches the honors class.</p>

<p>I will echo the accolades for Louise Cary and honors arts and parody. My DS said she actually got teary eyed at their last class because she was so fond of the group of students. Probably happens to her alot. because she loves what she does!!</p>

<p>I don’t see Pecorino on the Fall 2012 schedule for Econ 110 but we will keep looking to see if he shows up by Bama Bound. </p>

<p>Thank you!</p>

<p>You guys respond too fast!</p>

<p>Arts in Parody is impossible to get into as a Freshmen!</p>

<p>Thank you for welcoming me Malanai! I enjoy your informative posts!</p>

<p>collegeboom…if your DD is going through recruitment then she should avoid evening classes especially on Mondays and Wednesdays. Traditionally Monday nights are pledge meetings. They are mandatory unless there is class, but I would hate for your DD to miss them. Not only are they a wealth of information that is important but it also helps her bond with her pledge class.
Wednesdays will be Chapter meetings…also mandatory unless you have a class. Again…chapter is important and if at all possible she should try not to have a conflict.</p>