Are classes really full?

<p>We were wondering about sorority meeting conflicts. Thank you so much! Would a 4:00 on tuesday work better? So Monday meetings are before 6:00? I would assume so.</p>

<p>I second the post about Pecorino. Albeit this was his non-honors version of Econ - 110. However my child neither got a certificate nor a tub of cheese. But he did get a B so we were actually kinda happy.</p>

<p>I would stay away from anything that lets out later than 4:45. Most houses have dinner at 5pm and then meetings will follow. Sometimes they will be immediately after dinner but can be as late as 7…just depends on the sorority. tuesdays are required Panhelleinc speakers. All pledges are required to attend. If she wants to request a late plate she could probably do something at 4 on Tuesdays. We tried REALLY hard first semester to keep my DD’s evenings free. We also tried to have her out of class not later than 3pm. We also did not schedule any classes on Fridays after 12.
Swaps are generally on Thursdays but they don’t start until 9:30 or even 10 pm.</p>

<p>WOW! OK - we can look into doing that! So basically no UH 120 for the fall. She does want to keep a light schedule for Friday. i have received a lot of information tonight! Back to the drawing board tomorrow for her schedule… :)</p>

<p>i would also try to get a good amount of honors hours in during semesters 1 and 2. my daughter came in with a good bit (but not a crazy amount) of credit and she is having a hard time fitting in the honors hours since she didn’t have to take a lot of the “basics”.</p>

<p>To the best of my knowledge, there will be no additional sections of EC 110/111 offered this semester. This is not to say that it won’t happen, but it is more likely that additional seats will be added to existing sessions. I will say that there are some very good instructors teaching EC 110/111 and that selected instructors/professors in any subject may not be the best fit for a given student due to different teaching/learning styles.</p>

<p>Keep looking for available classes throughout the summer as seats do open up. Of the 5 classes I registered for at Bama Bound, I ended up taking 1 as I found that better [for me] options had opened up. I’ll readily admit that my first semester schedule was not optimal for most people as it included 2 online classes, the first on-campus class at being 3:30 PM, and the last class ending at 9:30 PM every Wednesday, but it was a good experience. That said, incoming freshmen are lucky that there are multiple courses and course sections that fulfill needed requirements. Compare this to senior year in some programs where a course is offered once a year, sometimes at an undesirable time.</p>

<p>Best of luck in the course selection process and Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Hi ST,
Who are good Econ 1 instructors, S is registers for Elders class but haven’t heard great things & time is an issue.
Also, can non-freshman change their schedule any time now, or are there black out times? I just saw that wl’s were removed which surprises my because he was #3 on the wl ine class.So if you weren’t off the WL by that time you were removed.</p>

<p>Vlines, I think your son has a good strategy as far as leaving time between classes. My DD took bio at 9am and chem at 11. She used the hour in between to read the chem chapter and get familiar with what would be taught during class. She thinks this helped a lot.</p>

<p>Both times she has gone through registration, she has started with the class that matters the most to her, either to get the chem prof she prefers or to be in the same o-chem class as her friends who study together. She also had her back ups figured out if she couldn’t get the class she wanted.</p>

<p>FWIW, although she has always had earlier classes than she’d like, she has not had any trouble getting her classes.</p>



<p>you need to join the methadone thread:
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>or embrace your addictions, like the rest of us! ;)</p>

<p>I keep hearing about closed classes. This is one way in which this board can be unhelpful, because no one seems to know the truth about this issue. I cannot understand how UA would possibly allow classes to fill up when not all the kids would have even had the opportunity to try to get them because their schedules are locked until Bama Bound. I believe everyone will have a chance.</p>

<p>^^ I’ve read on here pretty consistently that in freshman level classes, seats will open up for each Bama Bound session. I’ve also read pretty consistently that some other classes (like the Calc series) will have additional seats opening up during Bama Bound sessions, and that one way to determine if this is likely is to check last fall’s classes to see how many seats there were in each class, and compare that to what’s showing as class size on MyBama now. The only area where I’ve seen any conflict/confusion is on classes not typically taken by freshmen and on non-freshman University Honors courses. Without this board, I’d be totally frustrated because I wouldn’t realize that additional seats in Calc and other classes were going to open up, nor would I know to keep checking over the summer to see if D can get into classes she may not have been able to get into at her Bama Bound session. Extremely helpful, if you ask me.</p>

<p>I’m with beth’s mom on this one. Without this board, I would be compeltely freaking about the closed classes.</p>

<p>First: Wait till you go to Bama Bound and register -most students will get the classes they need as slots open up for freshmen at each Bama Bound. You may not be able to get into a particular higher level class because upperclassmen have already registered for the fall semester. This is where your priority registration will come in handy next semester.</p>

<p>Second: If you can, waitlist yourself for a class that you want,then contact the professor expressing your interest in the class, make sure that you have all pre-requisites before doing this.</p>

<p>Third:If you do not get into the class that you want, keep trying during the summer.</p>

<p>Otherwise, please realize that schedules are not always perfect, many STEM classes have labs that run late in the evening and some other classes (like music) require additional evening practices. Just be flexible and don’t get stressed. :)</p>



<p>Wow, I just looked this up in case D has to take EC 110. You are absolutely right - this prof (Cordero-Salas) has consistently horrible ratings. I generally take Rate My Professors ratings with a grain of salt, but when you have someone who is consistently getting a poor rating, it makes you wonder why she’s teaching 3 sections of the honors class. And the other non-Aldridge alternative doesn’t look all that much better. Anyone have first hand knowledge of this professor?</p>

<p>I took EC 110 with Cordero Salas and I would never want any of you to be subjected to that torture. I dropped the course the day before the drop deadline because she was so awful, and I can guarantee every single other person in the class had the same opinion of her. And for the record, I would give every other prof I’ve had at Bama an A rating, so I’m not one to normally complain about profs.</p>

<p>My son, who majors in economics, said that Cordero Salas is a newcomer to UA. She is from Costa Rica. He has not had her because he had AP credit for Econ 110 and 111. That said, He said that Aldridge is good. Elders is okay. My son has done research with Jindapon and loves him. Don’t know if that’s any help.</p>

<p>As I took EC 110/111 at a community college, I don’t know how individual professors/instructors at UA teach those courses. I know those professors outside of EC 110/111 and thus my opinion of each may be different form those that have taken the class. In fact, I can tell you that my experience with some professors in class is very different from times when they are not giving me a grade at the end of the semester.</p>

<p>For economics majors, EC 110/111 are courses that can be taken online or at another college/university or via AP and should not affect your grades in future economics courses. For non-economics majors, it is hard to say. I do feel that college students should take some form of economics courses so that they can better understand the world in which we live.</p>

<p>I’m not certain, but the sections of EC 110/111 that have the instructor as TBA will likely be taught by Kent Zirlott or Hoda El-Karasky, both of whom are post-docs. UA tends to not have PhD students teach EC 110/111 as the regular course sections are larger and instructors for honors courses in the business school already have PhDs (this is not always the case in the Honors College for various reasons).</p>