<p>urmom: you should stop looking for villians in this equation. The tiny-tiny tip that a handful of students each year might get is NOT going to alter forever your life -- but may (and already seems to have done) embitter you towards others whom you perceive aren't as deserving as you or haven't undergone as many challenges as you.</p>
<p>If your next 14 months are going to be spent railing against everyone who doesn't meet your def'n of meriting admittance to Cornell or wherever -- my god. I hope you never sit next to my kids in a class. You'd be looking at them askew thinking "She's here and took my friend's 'spot'". Athlete, musician, even a celebrated actor. Private schools will always try to admit as interesting a class for their community as possible. Sometimes you may fit what they are looking for, sometimes you won't. </p>
<p>That's fine. It seems you're still well on the way to college -- which well over 95% of the humans on this planet don't even DREAM about.</p>
<p>But to answer your original question: the few schools that admit holistically consider a wide variety of factors that add texture to their admitted classes. 1st Gen or overcoming some hardship is only ONE of these. Pls try to look past this -- you've mentioned that you're on assistance for your mood. Perhaps speak with a trusted friend about your anxieties and feelings of anger?</p>
<p>Good luck to you.</p>