Are foreign language classes STRONG core academic areas?

<p>Colleges list these as a core academic subject. But how strong is it? Compared to reading, math, history, and science? I would be a student with an A average for my core classes if Spanish wasnt included. I never got an average above a C in spanish.</p>

<p>What do you mean by strength? Spanish is as much of a class as any other (at least at my school), and should factor in to your GPA to an equal degree. If you had an 'A' average in everything else, it shouldn't have been too tough to get above a 'C' in Spanish, though....</p>

<p>its a foreign language...</p>

<p>its a lot harder than math or english</p>

<p>Yeah, I'd say that foreign languages should be included [and weighted equally] for the GPA. Although I do agree with you, I think they're definitely harder than classes taught in English! I know that personally, I've only really really tried in my AP Latin class, pheww!</p>