Are hispanics a minority in engineering?

<p>I'm already into the school I love and I'm not surprised that there aren't a lot of hispanics in my major there, because there isn't really a large percentage of hispanics at that school (think it's around 5%). But in engineering am I usually a minority? I think it's just because people keep thinking I'm Indian up there that I wonder.</p>

<p>I don’t have any numbers, from what I know of engineering (local college has a large Engineering Dept, large computer company in town, etc.), engineering is a predominantly white, male discipline. And there are also many Indians into engineering who are either citizens or come here to study from India. </p>

<p>I keep telling my Hispanic daughters who are good in math and science to study engineering, but so far I’ve failed miserably :rolleyes:.</p>

<p>Yeah, I do see a lot of Indians studying engineering and I guess I shouldn’t expect people to right away assume I’m mexican (I think they just go…hmm…brown skin? not white, not black, in engineering, must be…INDIAN. I just say nope, mexican-american and my last name is Gonzalez).</p>

<p>Awe they should, engineering is a lot of fun, building robots and whatnot. I really like physics but I’m told girls usually like biology or chemistry better and that most females look into materials/chemical and biomechanical engineering. I’m a girl also, lot of good opportunities out there for females in STEM fields. I just got into an engineering summer program that sold the field for me.</p>

<p>They’re both interested in medicine. D1 is pretty far down that road, but I’m still working on D2 to consider biomedical engineering. This summer she’s doing a internship in applied research, and she’s enjoying it. So, I think she’s still open to other possibilities, hopefully engineering is among them!</p>

<p>hispanics are definitely a minority in engineering, but that’s why we gotta stick together! check to see if your school has a SHPE (Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers) chapter. it may be something you’re interested in.</p>

<p>^oh there is a shpe at my college! This community college in my city had a pretty good one actually, like they’d go to las vegas and win some awards for undergrad or something.</p>