Are Latino applicants are only compared to other Hispanic applicants?

<p>Sorry about the title, I accidentally hit enter while changing it.</p>

<p>Do colleges look at a URM in the context of other applicants of their race and standing or is it more of a bonus factor like very special EC? I know that for top tier schools like the Ivies this hardly matters as they have an overwhelming number of qualified applicants for all races but does this apply for schools one or two notches down the selectivity chain? Also are there extra data on admitted students of certain races or economic standings?</p>

<p>Hispanic candidates are considered within the Hispanic pool of applicants. See the threads linked to in the Resources sticky thread section: Hispanic Applicants and College Admissions for a discussion of what factors are considered.</p>

<p>I’m not sure what you mean by ‘one or two notches down the selectivity chain’, for some people this will mean schools below HYPS, for others it will mean second tier schools. In general, I would say that more than strictly selectivity, it depends on the college’s ability to recruit and retain URM students.</p>

<p>The Common Data Set for each school gives the breakdown of number of students by ethnicity and race but not economic level. These are just number of matriculants, admission rates by ethnicity and race are not given.</p>