Are Liberal art colleges worth 70K? Do not qualify for financial aid

My husband is also an immigrant and shared your reservations. Our daughter’s current career path has shown us that, at least in her case, her degree from an LAC has been invaluable. Her experience at an LAC has certainly helped her become a confident young woman.

I’m going to share a couple of links with you. My D attended Bates college, but neither of these posts are exclusively about Bates. It might help give you perspective on the value of an LAC. Understand that the people who matter know about LACs, and they know that LACs send high percentages of student to grad school and med school. Grads from LACs work alongside grads from HYP. Tulane, fine school that it is, is not better than Vassar (in my opinion.) Georgetown is not better than Vassar either. These colleges all have their strengths and weaknesses, and the name of the college is nowhere nearly as important as the environment at those colleges, the students who attend, and the students themselves.

And this one…