<p>If anyone has had an MIT interview or just recently had one, what was it like? Can I expect to go through an interrogation where they try to find all the flaws that I have, or do we just spend about 20 minutes or so talking about my hobbies and interests and activities and possibly classes?</p>
<p>I'm in the process of scheduling one, and am kind of nervous.</p>
<p>I had my interview at MIT only about two weeks back, and it wasn’t the least bit stressful.
My EC was really relaxed and easy to talk to, and it wasn’t an interrogation at all, just a friendly discussion about my hobbies, academics interests, reasons for interest in MIT and so on and so forth. They don’t try and look into your flaws, in fact I’m sure that no EC has any idea what specific flaws to look for in a person (apart from obvious character flaws like arrogance). Adcoms want to get an idea of what you’re REALLY passionate about, so most of the interview will be about the things you love doing, the goals you’ve managed to reach and those you’ve made for yourself, etc.</p>
<p>If you’re scheduling an interview anytime soon, I suggest you go through this thread : <a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/massachusetts-institute-technology/985529-mit-interview-guide-discussion.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/massachusetts-institute-technology/985529-mit-interview-guide-discussion.html</a></p>
<p>Good luck with your interview :D</p>
<p>Thank you JustASenior. If you don’t mind answering, were there any really probing questions that you weren’t prepared for?</p>
<p>Nope, none at all! I was asked questions that covered the usual things - extracurricular activities, interests (academic and non-academic), “why MIT”, any experience I had with teamwork and the like.</p>
<p>The interviewers want to leave you with a good impression of their schools, so it’s very unlikely you’ll ever have an interview where you’ll be “interrogated” or have an interviewer who’s going to try to find all the flaws you have.</p>
<p>That is also a good point–I never saw it that way. It does make a lot of sense that they also want to make a good impression, so I shouldn’t feel like the only one trying to impress.</p>
<p>If one specific activity has a little bit more to talk about, will they let me go through it all? I have been told that the conversation can go off tangents as well, so it isn’t actually the whole hour and a half you are being interviewed you are talking about your activities is it?</p>