Are my chances ruined?

So I’m trying to transfer to VT in fall 2016. I had A’s and B’s for my first two semesters. I have a 3.3 at the moment. But this semester I lost a close friend and I’ve been lacking motivation bc of it so my grades came down. This semester I’m probably going to have 3 B’s and 1 D in chemistry. Chemistry isn’t in my major though. I’m getting my associates this spring. Do I still have a chance? Should I explained what happened this semester?

Chemistry is the only class you need to be concerned about. The classes you have Bs in will be fine. You should still explain whatever situation you are going through in your application.

Does chem count toward anything in your major? If yes, then it may impact your chances of admission. But you can make up for that either by taking the class over or offering to take it prior to enrolling. I got a C- in Bio before transferring so I wouldn’t get credit, but I was proactive and called admissions and explained that I was going to retake it. I got a B over the summer and sent this to admissions as part of my final transcripts and all was fine.

I had a friend who got accepted to Tech at the same point as you - one semester away from finishing their associates - and they got a D in physics that same semester. Since it didn’t count for their major, they didn’t have to retake it and didn’t lose admission.

If you’re from VA and finishing at community college, have you looked at the Guaranteed Admissions Agreement?

Ok thank you. Chemistry doesn’t count towards anything in my major. I just needed biology and I got A’s in bio 101/102. I am from VA but to be guaranteed I have to have a 3.4. I thought I could’ve got it this semester but then a lot happened. I was worried bc they say on the website A’s and B’s in freshman level classes and chemistry is a freshman level class