Are my grades and courses good enough for Princeton?

<p>I'm considering getting a Master's in US History, and Princeton would be my top choice, because I've heard great things about their history department. I'm currently a Freshmen in high school, so I haven't taken any standardized testing, but I would greatly appreciate it if you guys could look over my schedule plan to tell me if you think it is rigorous enough.</p>

<p>Freshmen Year (now)
Honors English 9 (currently have a B)
Honors Physics (currently have a B)
Honors Intermediate Algebra (currently have an A)
Honors Chorus (currently have an A)
AP US Government and Politics (currently have a B)
Honors Freshmen Seminar (currently have an A)
Honors Spanish 2 (next semester)
Honors Chem (next semester)</p>

<p>Sophomore Year
Honors English 10
Honors Geometry
Honors Biology I
AP US History
Individual Sports
Foundations of Tech
Honors Spanish III
*Note: I need 2 gym credits to graduate, as well as a technology class, hence the appearance of those classes. </p>

<p>Junior Year
AP Lang Comp
Honors Algebra II /DA
AP World History
Financial Literacy
Journalistic Writing
Honors Psychology
Political Science
AP Macroeconomics
Creative Writing
Honors Chem II
*Note: Financial Literacy is required, as well as 4 science credits</p>

<p>Senior Year
AP Lit Comp
Honors Trig/Pre-Calc
AP European History
AP Psychology
AP Music Theory
Independent Study (American Civil War and Ancient/Medieval History)
Honors Humanities
Honors Chorus</p>

<p>So..I'm tempted to talk to my guidance counselor about fitting chorus in all 4 years, and I'm in a leadership club. Does this look like an OK layout?</p>

<p>Bro you’re only a freshmen…you need to forget about college and just work on getting those A’s yea?</p>

<p>You are off to a tough start with the Bs. A-s are fine but Bs will kill your chances, regardless of your schedule.</p>

<p>Your lack of AP Classes is disappointing young Jedi</p>

<p>3.5 isn’t great for Princeton.</p>

<p>Bring B’s up to A’s, then you’ll have a chance.</p>

<p>To be honest Bezan is right to a large extent.
We can’t say if that schedule is rigorous enough because we don’t know what the options offered at you school might be. You’re compared in the context of your opportunities. Ask your GC if this schedule would qualify as ‘most rigorous’ when he is completing his portion of your app. Most selective schools want to see five ‘core classes’ each year- English, history/ social studies, math, science, and foreign language. Looks like you’re planning to stop after three years of Spanish unless I’m missing something. You may want to reconsider.<br>
Find some ECs that you like and stay with them. Note- that you like is the key here. Don’t look for things college will like. One,you won’t throw yourself into them if they don’t appeal to you, and two, they probably won’t stand out and make you unique if you’re just looking to what you think a college wants. Does that make sense? If you like sociology, intern somewhere and learn more. If yours is a musical passion, pursue it because you’ll have fun, do more with it, and gain more on a personal level from it. Try to follow your interests to develop yourself outside of the classroom.if you do, you’ll be successuful with the college search. It may not be Princeton, either because there are far more qualified kids than available slots or because you find a different school to love, but make sure you’re doing these things for yourself not just to make a good college application. It will end up being a better app if you are.</p>

<p>Many schools don’t recommend 4 years of language by the way. He will also be in Spanish IV, which shows proficiency going into college.</p>

<p>of course it looks rigorous… but it is too soon to tell!</p>

<p>Chance me back…</p>

<p>Also, some schools don’t offer past second year of foreign language (mine). It’s all in the context of your school. For instance, I’ll be taking maybe 3 or 4 AP’s total in high school; however that’s the most anyone’s ever taken in my school. So, my load is the most rigorous offered.</p>

<p>A Masters in US History? Do you mean Bachelors?</p>