Are the EA decisions coming before the 13th....?

<p>To all the EA applicants to MIT, i just noticed an interesting pattern at the MIT admissions blogs site and i think i am not the only one who noticed it: There has been no blogs from ANY of the MIT bloggers including the ones working in the admissions office. This is been going for about 3-4 days now AND...</p>

<pre><code> I suspect that the decisions might come out tomorrow i.e. 6th december.

<p>What do you all guys and gals think about this suspicion--simply dumb or MAYbe justified?</p>

<p>Feel free to leave your opinions and BEST OF LUCK TO ALL OF YOU!</p>

<p>Caltech annoucing results on 12/09/2008. MIT will only announce after that. That have been the trends over the last so many years.</p>

<p>Actually, we’re all just hosed (well, the student bloggers are, at least. I’m sure the admissions officers are pretty busy making, you know, the actual admissions decisions in question.). This Friday was the last day for classes with finals to have psets due or hold exams, and a lot of final projects/papers were due this week. People have not been sleeping much. Blogging time has been minimal to non-existent.</p>

<p>I assure you, this is not a massive conspiracy.</p>

<p>There is no way decisions could come out tomorrow. That would just be too convenient and would make a lot of people happy (in other words, it’s impossible.)</p>

<p>are you saying everything that mit does is to make us unhappy :P</p>


<p>Interesting opinions…, maybe “Ducktape” is right.</p>

<p>Once again, thread is still open, COMMENTS COMMENTS COMMENTS!!!</p>

<p>If decisions came out tomorrow, I would go nuts.</p>

<p>so therefore they won’t.</p>



<p>Not MIT specifically… Every single part of any college admissions process is just designed to make you unhappy.</p>

<p>yeah man, if college admissions were designed to make us happy, we wouldn’t have to have counselor or teacher recs, and whatever college we’d be happiest at would choose us, so we wouldn’t have to go looking for one. the end.</p>

<p>man, that would be really nice, but highly unlikely. I"m still hoping they’ll release their decisions on the 13th rather than the 20th, despite the increase in the number of applicants.</p>

<p>I can’t imagine we’d hear anything tomorrow. As nice as it would be, it just seems too soon. It’d be far earlier than most other schools’ EA/ED decision dates. I’m hoping for the 13th.</p>

<p>it would be fitting if it was the 13th, for the class of 2013 :D</p>

<p>The admissions officers will announce the decision date as soon as they know what it will be, and since they haven’t announced it yet, I project that there is zero chance it will be prior to 12/13.</p>

<p>yeah, also, is not up yet, and it should be up at least a couple of days before the actual release date to get the technical kinks worked out.</p>

<p>but if they release it on the 13th, it’s practically a week away. We’ve waited over five weeks now, one more shouldn’t kill us…emphasis on shouldn’t…haha</p>

<p>oh gawd…if i was released today it would totally be like…too sudden…i need a week to prepare for this at least</p>

<p>haha I know ana- and to the op there’s just no way they would be released today- not a CHANCE</p>

<p>How would we be notified?</p>

<p>Well, first there will be a blog post on [MIT</a> Admissions](<a href=“”> that will say something along the lines of “if you wish to receive your decision online…blah blah blah”.</p>

<p>Then, the website will be activated. To get our decisions, we will need to enter our MyMIT usernames and passwords into the login box on the decisions website. There will be no intermediate screens, so when we click submit or enter or whatever, our decision will pop up onto the screen.</p>

<p>This is the same for regular decision people as well.</p>

<p>A couple of days later, notification will arrive in the mail, tubes for the acceptances and regular letters for deferrals and rejections.</p>

<p>Yea. I figure based on last year, that they should announce the date by Tuesday or Wednesday at the latest if its the 13th and if they don’t by then then its safe to assume its the 20th.</p>