Are there a lot of non-greek girls at U of A?

Bama is my dream school but I don’t really want to join a sorority. I was just wondering if there’s any normal girls who just aren’t in sororities. Or, if there are sororities that are more diverse, or for normal girls. thanks :slight_smile:

There are plenty of “normal girls” in sororities. That said, my daughter is relatively normal and she isn’t in a sorority. In fact, the majority of girls at Alabama (I think over 60%) are not in sororities, and I have to think a whole lot of them are perfectly normal. You can have a fine social life without being in a sorority.

There’s also a Christian sorority and I know for a fact it has a lot of super sweet, “normal” girls. Their costs are much lower (as compared to many sororities at UA) as they do not have a house (at least last year I know they didn’t have a house). But I also know of many great girls currently at UA who did not join a social sorority and have chosen to become involved in some of the other groups/club/causes on campus…so many options to choose from!

There are of course many non-sorority girls at Alabama. However be aware that some, but not all, sorority girls are exclusionary and will not befriend girls who are not in sororities. You’ll have to take that on the chin and make your own way. Many people have done it but it can be discouraging. I encourage trying rush and seeing if you like it at least.

I’ll let someone with a daughter speak to that in more detail since I have a son. But my son is not Greek and knows girls from almost every sorority and has good friends from a couple different houses.

I was told that most of the campus is not Greek. I’m in a similar situation! I LOVE Bama, but I don’t want to be Greek!

My daughter will be a senior this coming year. She is not in a sorority. I am no judge as to whether she is normal or not. :))

Her freshman year all 3 of her roommates were in different sororities. They were friends and did things together however didn’t become super close.

Her sophomore year one of her roommates was in a sorority. My daughter would frequently have meals there and attended a lot of their activities. Some of the older members actually thought she was a new member in the sorority. She is in several of the sorority group pictures. During one of the pictures where they do the hand symbol thing a girl behind her saw her struggling with getting it right and said “don’t worry you’ll get it”

My point - if you worry about it it you might feel restricted, but if you just be yourself you can enjoy yourself whether you are in a sorority or not.

And football brings everyone together no matter what. My daughter has no clue about football but hasn’t missed a home game and loves game day. She even chose her study abroad for her second semester senior year knowing it will mean missing her graduation ceremony. I asked her why not do fall semester overseas. Her completely serious deadpan response - “that’s football season”

Roll Tide.

DD is not rushing and knows of plenty of girls who are not rushing. While greek life is pretty big at Bama I would not worry about it. There are plenty of non-greeks