<p>I'd like to do my first summer program for something in foreign languages, but I don't know of any programs. Anything in or around New York? Is it too late to apply?</p>
<p>There are programs with openings at Concordia Language Villages. They will pick you up from the Minneapolis airport or the Bemidji airport if you want to fly right to camp. Wide variety of languages, but some sessions of some languages are already full.</p>
<p>Does anyone have experience with the 4-week high school credit sessions?</p>
<p>How many students attend these sessions?</p>
<p>What year are most of the students (more 9th graders or more 11th graders)?</p>
<p>What sports were offered?</p>
<p>Not in the NE, but check out Middlebury in Monterey, Cal.</p>
<p>Regarding Concordia Language Villages:
More 11th grade kids at the 4-week sessions. Kids who are planning to take AP Spanish the next year or need credit for one more year of foreign language. Wider age distribution at the 2 week sessions.</p>
<p>Middlebury</a> Monterey Language Academy does have a New England site in VT!!
and has a few places still open in CA; they have been on a watlist for the Vermont campus since Feb. but I just heard they opened up a very few new spaces for Arabic and Chinese in VT. Very popular program...</p>
<p>yeah ive heard middlebury is really good</p>
<p>At Concordia Language Villages, you play sports that are played where the language you are taking is spoken. Activity periods are offered and you choose several for each week, say, cooking, soccer, dance, theater - and the activity is done using the target language. Not a lot of sports - if you are trying to stay in condition for fall sports teams, you need to do some running (and at least the cross country runner kids definitely run in the mornings before breakfast).</p>
<p>Is there anything that's not a month long, perhaps something that's around 2 weeks long? I don't think my parents would like the idea of spending a month away at an unfamiliar place by myself.</p>
<p>if you don't mind me asking, which language do you want to study??</p>
<p>I'd love to study Russian, but am also considering Chinese.</p>