Are there any good STEM related internships still open for High Schoolers?

My son just got wait listed for his first choice summer program. So, checking if there is any others that he can still apply to? He is interested in Computer Science related areas of study.

How about this list:

Those in the linked list are mostly paid or funded “camp” like programs, not internships as your post asks about.

My DS did go to the WPI frontiers one and it was great, but went knowing this was not something that would boost admissions chances, just exploring possible majors and WPI.

If they are looking for job experience in STEM, there may be something close to home that is still available. Cities and counties often fund paid youth job opportunities and there are a variety of STEM related careers. Those applications are being accepted now in many places - I know in Boston, MA and Charleston, SC. You must be a resident of that area usually. Some school districts offer this as well.

Helping with or working at STEM summer camps locally is also a great opportunity. There is usually training and it gets them out of their comfort zone. They are all still hiring.

They will need a resume if applying for jobs and internships. They may need help with that.

They could also take a college level class at a local college. Look at the summer catalogs.


I would not focus on finding an intership “Program”, reach out to professors from you local college, doesn’t have to be prestige college, join their research team, I think it looks better than those paid program. My kid has been working with a professor since sophmore year, she worked entire summer last year and was able to continue working during school year as well, she made some siginificant contribution to the project and will be one of the co-authors for their upcoming publication.


Maybe ask him to email professors about research positions they have open for high schoolers instead of finding internships to apply to. I think I might also be doing that since I was rejected from a program I wanted to get into haha.

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@Summer_Pak - Thank you! That sounds wonderful…All the best to her.

@Kelly_thecow - Thanks and all the best to you too…

@Pathnottaken - Thanks for your insights…Its very helpful!