Are there any one-year master's programs that I would be eligible for?

I just got a Bachelor’s Degree in pure mathematics. Would there be any one-year-programs(preferably on-line) that I would be able to start in the fall? If so, how do I apply? Thank you in advance!

One year programs in mathematics?

Not necessarily mathematics.

Did you earn any graduate credit so far?

I’m not sure yet. I’m taking a graduate class right now, but my grade is not set yet.

This will depend upon things like your grades, your GRE scores, what you want to do, and what you can afford. Do you have any computer skills?

My undergrad was in Math. My one-year Masters was in Operations Research. You might want to check it out. It is not a well known field, but is practical and useful and a lot of fun (at least for people who like math).

I have heard rumors that some investment people think that math is useful to them. I don’t know the details. I did take on course in econometrics in graduate school. There was a LOT of math content, and it was quite fun also.

The first thing is to figure out what you want to do.

Masters degree programs seem to be increasing in requirements. This is partially due to credentialing such as the number of hours and specific courses that professional organizations that control over www

MS Business/Management
MS Finance & Accounting
MS business analytics

Usually they are looking for Quant background (especially finance) and many high ranked schools offer 1 year programs for people with little UG business experience. You only need 1-2 pre-reqs usually. Example – UNC accounting (also online), SMU Finance, Virginia Commerce (finance/business analytics), Duke MMS. To be honest not many are currently going for Fall since most admissions closed. The ones I know are still open are SMU Finance and ND Management is taking applications until the 17th I think. UNC-CH online accounting opens again for Spring semester.

To continue…what skills and knowledge program graduates are required to acquire demonstrate to be deemed qualified Some programs now award specialist degrees to recognize increases in required classes/hours to degree. The specialist degree is sorta like ABD (all but dissertation). Why do you want a one year graduate degree? If you plan to earn a doctorate, do so immediately. That reduces the overall number of hours and amount of tuition probably as well as time to degree. I assume you want to get a degree related to math, but what do you want for a career? Find a degree that merges math with a graduate degree in a job interest. Combining programs that make sense that you can explain could expand your professional options.