Are there Any Transfers With My Same Question?

<p>I am a sophomore applying for transfer to georgetown, however...i plan on taking summer classes and I NEED to know whether or not I am accepted by like May 15 because I plan on taking summer classes and want to know whether or not I should take it at Georgetown or at my original school, Vanderbilt. </p>

<p>Are there any other transfers out there that share the same dilemma ?</p>

<p>Or are there ANY transfers period?? (there is NO official transfer thread for 2009)</p>


<p>Me too!!! Lets start a thread!</p>

<p>Same here, contacted the transfer coordinator. See if they can let me know ahead of time, otherwise no Georgetown for me.</p>

<p>aleahey, let me know what they say when you get a response…</p>

<p>Craintrain…we should start a transfer thread 2009!</p>

<p>YES! Transfers!</p>

<p>KEVINX I’m gonna start it now!</p>

<p>GOOOD!!! Cant wait!</p>

<p>they arent letting anyone know before june 1. Your alumni interview should give you a good indication though</p>

<p>Has anyone met with their interviewer already?</p>

<p>The deadline for submitting an interview report is April 13th. I got in touch with the Director of AAP to confirm with him that my April 7th interview would be included in my file. </p>

<p>From past threads, successful notification of transfer decisions were received around mid May with the rejection letters mailed closer to June. Obviously could be different this year.</p>

<p>nice…because I am debating whether or not I should take summer classes at Georgetown or at my current school Vanderbilt…(if i get into gtown or not)…</p>

<p>I have already had my alumni interview…he said “i dont see why you shouldnt get into georgetown…but you never know…there are always qualified students that get denied admission.” …so I dunno…i’m soo tired of this waiting game ! haha</p>

<p>Well my grades are below the school average (3.3) and i’m at a CC now, but my essays were impressive according to advisors and english teachers and I got a recommendation from a judge and a former Gtown med graduate. My interviewer also works for the law firm that represents my current company, so I hope that helps as well. I think based on my academics, i am on the fence, but a good interview, essay, and rec letter could swing me across the potomac.</p>

<p>Kevin, you have an interesting dilemma. I am one semester from an associates in biz, but that semester would be the fall and Georgetown doesn’t take spring transfers. I figured it wouldn’t matter anyways because there is no guarantee that they would accept all my credits…with or without an associates.</p>

<p>Kevin, </p>

<p>I assume you are applying to Georgetown as a junior? Vanderbilt is one of the other schools I am considering, but would like to know a little about Vanderbilt from a current student. </p>

<p>What are some of the positives and least positive qualities about Vanderbilt Undergrad?</p>

<p>well…Vanderbilt is a good school if you are not really a city person (i HATE nashville)…and I know everyone will say how much they love nashville (I THOUGHT i would love it…but i ended up hating it)…also…the people there are very fake and frat/sorority-type…even further, there is little diversity…I know a lot of people might say that there is…but having a whole bunch of white people and a sprinkle of a few other students from other backgrounds and ethnicities does NOT classify diversity lol. </p>

<p>All in all, Vanderbilt is a very good school and I have enjoyed my two years there, but somehow always wanted to apply to Georgetown but never did because I wanted to get away from Washington D.C. (as I am from right outside of DC… Northern VA)</p>

<p>Where are you guys coming from and why dont you like it where you are? (or are you at a community college?)</p>

<p>Kevin, pretty much confirms what i suspected about Vanderbilt. I am at a rural, LAC and would like to attend a school in an urban location with more social outlets than just X fraternity party every Friday/Saturday night. When I say rural, I am talking about a town without even a traffic light</p>