<p>I'm not bringing a car to college. There should be places on campus right?</p>
<p>someone in a freshman dorm is bound to have a set of clippers.</p>
<p>also, you could probably take the bus to a place.</p>
<p>I doubt the actual campus would have a place, but there should be one easily accessible.</p>
<p>our campus has a barbershop</p>
<p>not likely, but I know for my campus, there are several places easily accessible by walking or taking the transit bus. And some of your friends are bound to have a car that you can bum a ride from.</p>
<p>There’s at least two within walking distance of my campus–they’re both in the downtown area just north of where campus ends.</p>
<p>If there isn’t one on campus (there isn’t at mine) you’ll be able to bus or taxi to one. I found a great place in the mall around my campus so I can get my hair cut and do needed shopping all on one taxi tab.</p>
<p>There’s a hair salon/barbershop in our student center. I’ve never seen more than a few folks in there at a time, but the shop’s been there for as long as I can remember.</p>
<p>There is one in Dougherty Hall (building with the main campus dining hall/“the pit” as well as a Wachovia branch and several offices for student life) open Monday through Friday, no appointments.</p>
<p>EDIT: To clarify, this is at Villanova University.</p>