Are there bugs in your dorms?

<p>Are there any bugs/insects in your dorm rooms/floors? If so, how do you deal with them? As they come? hire a bug exterminator to spray? Or are all dorms very clean?</p>

<p>In 2.5 years, the only bugs I’ve seen in my dorms are about 2 or 3 ladybugs.</p>

<p>just because we’re in the south, occasionally we would have the giant scary roaches, no matter how clean everything is, because they just like to come inside when it’s hot (and crawl all over the place outside at night when it’s hot too). But for all the two years I lived in the dorms there were maybe 2 or 3 that we ever had in our room. You just, you know, squish em and get on with your life, not a big deal. We had those little roach traps you leave out in room corners though, too.
If you have ants, that would of course be different (and probably your fault since it’s up to you to keep everything clean). But you can see if housing can send a maintenance person to deal with it, sometimes they can. Usually, you just wanna get some Raid and spray all along the windows and the corners of the walls and along where the wall and floor meet.</p>

<p>^The ants in our dorm are like super-ants or something. We’ve sprayed tons of Raid and we keep everything pretty clean (we’re not neat freaks, but it’s not a bio hazard…we take out the trash and do dishes regularly). We’ve even found them in the CLOSET where we keep our cleaning supplies.</p>

<p>Maintenance won’t do a thing about them, either. They just told us it’s an ongoing problem in our dorm and to buy those ant traps if it really bothers us.</p>

<p>If maintenance won’t do anything, I’d go to the housing office. Students shouldn’t be applying pestisides. You are all paying a lot of money to live in these dorms so the university owes you a pest-free room. My son, in PA, is dealing with a major outbreak of bed bugs on his dorm floor. At last count, 15 rooms had been evacuated. Those kids are now living in a local hotel. They sprayed all the rooms over winter break. I hope they can stop the spread of these bugs.</p>

<p>At my school, some people have seen rats/centipedes in their dorms (not mine though)</p>

<p>For the one year I lived in the dorms, I never saw a single insect (although I got one spider bite while sleeping!). Pretty shocking cuz I lived in the oldest dorms on campus. Some schools spray at your request or spray periodically without request. I guess talking to maintenance if there is a problem is the best solution. People who live in the south like AULC or live in the city tend to have the worst pest problems.</p>

<p>ive seen cockroaches in my suite my freshman year and huge mosquitos and spiders [in the shower no less] my sophomore year. Ive heard ppl have ant problems in other dorms.</p>

<p>i used air freshener to poison them.</p>

<p>v.v Now I’m scared I’ll get bugs in my dorm next year. Which sucks because I’m terrified of bugs. =/</p>

<p>i never lived in a dorm, but i was in an apartment provided by the school while i was studying abroad at a hot place in the summer. i got mosquito bites and i think bug bites. the school called an exterminator and sprayed all our clothes and bedding and took away our comforters. but the bites on me never left. i got diagnosed with MRSA, possibly a secondary infection from the bites, but even after that was treated, it looks like i might have scabies, but doctors don’t really know. it’s been 7 months, and i still have bumps. i might have infected my home. very upset.</p>

<p>In the Nixon-Vietnam War era, this thread would have started a completely different line of discussion.</p>

<p>We’ve only had two roaches in our room this year…we sprayed them with Lysol until they stopped moving and then flushed them down the toilet.</p>

<p>One of my friends tells me that Axe body spray has the same effect as Lysol.</p>

<p>Saw a roach at the beginning of the year, it was huge. :/.
They “forgot” to spray and had just finished construction on the building…
Since then I haven’t seen any, though.</p>


lol .</p>

<p>*** COCKROACHES? that is freaking disgusting. i only see insects in the bathroom because we leave the door open…just mosquitoes and such. i hate cockroaches, that’s so nasty</p>

<p>^ lol, never been to New York eh ?</p>