I want to take AP Biology, AP Statistics, AP Spanish Language, and AP English Language. I would also take honors pre-calc and honors physics, and two other required classes. i would not have a free period. not much outside of school commitment besides club / teacher meetings, only big thing is four hours two nights a week training to become an EMT for most of the school year.
I am super interested in science and math and want to go into that when I’m older, so Bio and Stat are probably definite for me. I’ve heard bio is a lot of memorizng which i think i can handle and stat is apparently not too hard and i
AP Lang seems really interesting and I am truly fascinated by what it says it will teach, like the whole argumentative thing and analyzing different things. I have also heard that it’s a really hard adjustment at first and stuff like that
I am pretty good at Spanish and I have heard that AP Spanish Language is fine if you’re good at spanish.
i feel like these four without a free would be WAY too much to handle. however, I do want to take them all. If I had to drop ANY of the APs, I would drop Spanish and move down to honors spanish.
Please let me know what you think I should do. Thank you so much!
I would ask some students in each of these classes how much work it is. Also, depending on how much work it is, if you’re a junior, SATs, ACTs, and college applications are important too.
It sounds like a well-balanced schedule, but check with current students to see how many hours of hw a week they have per class, and ask your guidance counselor whether you’d be allowed to “drop down” or switch out of a class.
AP stats is an “AP lite”, easier than usual APs. If you’re interested in math, precalc will be the tough class to conquer.
I think you’d be fine, especially if you’re interested in those subjects.
No one here can answer that question, but you. For some it would be fairly easy. For others it would be an insurmountable challenge. Look inside yourself and see if you have the ability and commitment. Good luck.