<p>760 : Bio M
700 : Math 2</p>
<p>I know my Math 2 score is terrible. I'm not planning on sending it in. However, I'm not sure that even if I retake it, my score will go up enough. Does UCLA look down upon students who don't send in a math score?</p>
<p>If I were you, I would try retaking the Math II SAT if you can… I have to retake it as well lol.</p>
<p>Your math 2 score is terrible??? Try 480. That was what I got on my math 2 SAT and I still sent it in and UCLA still accepted me. lol
IMO, you’re scores are stellar and very good. Just focus on your grades and personal statements.</p>
<p>If you’re going into Letters and Science you should be fine. Engineering is a little bit more iffy though</p>
<p>@Darthpwner Do you mean both my scores would be good enough to send for Letters and Sciences? I’m actually considering retaking Math 2 though in October now, should I just retake Bio then too?</p>
<p>Im sooooo sorry I really do not mean to take your thread, but I actually took the same test (unfortunately not the same scores) and got
Bio M- 610
Math 2- 600
Should I even send the scores in ? Bio major</p>
<p>Since your whole application is evaluated and subject tests are a small optional part of it, it is hard to tell without more context.</p>
<p>Your major matters. A high math score is important for engineering/science majors. Your classes, GPA, SAT/ACT score in general matter more. Also good essays, activities help.</p>
<p>@Twiggy22, they are too low to be used.
@crystal19, try to retake math2 to see if you can ace some</p>
<p>I didn’t even take SAT IIs and got in, so I wouldn’t stress too much.</p>