<p>With my credentials, could you evaluate my list for me? I want to have a little of all three categories. I plan to eliminate a couple off of this list.
-uw gpa-4.0
-2 Ap's junior year (5 on gov & 3 on Lang.) and 5 senior year
-Captain of quiz bowl team (9th grade MVP for 6A in state, but for JV quiz bowl)
-3 years All state choir with 4 years of chamber, concert, and male ensembles @ school
-4 year letter in varsity tennis
-school's HOBY rep and earned over 100 hours of comm service
-American Legion Boy's State (elected to House of Reps and sponsored bill)
-People to People Ambassador to Europe
-Arkansas Governor's School for social science
-published in anthology of poetry
-Newly elected president of National Honors Society
-Beta Club, Key Club, and Spanish Honorary
- 5 years of piano? lol
-Started a club called H.E.L.P. (Humanitarian Efforts for Life Progression) did fundraisers and trying to start recycling program at school's bball games
-I have another thing I should mention: I plan to take SAT II's in world history and math II.</p>
Johns Hopkins
George Washington
<p>Also, I would like some financial aid, and I plan on majoring in Anthropology, Biology, or History. (possibly pre-med)Thanks!!!!!</p>
<p>Uh, you have NO safeties.</p>
<p>I guess I’d make NYU, Oberlin, GW, Tulane and Rhodes ACADEMIC matches … but since you’re looking for financial aid perhaps Tulane and Rhodes are the most likely of this group. The rest of the schools are generally REACHES for everyone.</p>
<p>The first six are reaches, the next three are matches, and the final three are safeties.</p>
<p>What would be some more matches and safeties?? I also plan on cutting a couple out so any advice would be appreciated.</p>
<p>I think Rhodes might be borderline match/safety. I had a similar resume but got a substantial merit scholarship. However, a poly sci prof told me that the anthropology/sociology was lacking (small major, small faculty, few course offerings, etc.). History and Biology are some of their stronger programs though. </p>
<p>Why not Hendrix? Too close to home? They give out a lot of merit money from what I hear - and it would probably be a high safety for you. Also look at Belmont, I’m not familiar enough to go into detail but it might be right up your alley. Apply to the University of Arkansas for good measure, the honors program probably. </p>
<p>You might want to cut out some of your reaches (Emory-Penn). It seems the only thing they have in common would be strength in the sciences/premed. Pick the ones you actually like because filling out those applications gets old, especially if you really don’t want to go to the school.</p>
<p>Hahaha! You’re right on the money! I’m @ Hendrix right now for Arkansas Governor’s School. It is awesome, but it is wayyyy too close to home. Out of the first six the ones that I will DEFINITELY apply to are Cornell, Emory, and Hopkins. I feel like Brown and Penn are out of my reach anyways, and Northwestern arouses some ambivalence in me. lol I also should have clarified earlier with the financial aid statement. If I get into really amazing schools, I would not expect merit aid. I would want scholarships from schools like Rhodes, Tulane, and GWU. For Rhodes I would either major in Bio or History. I’m not a big fan of the whole joint sociology/anthropology major
Hopefully I could also get merit $ from Oberlin and NYU. Would you consider Hopkins and Emory as high reaches?</p>
<p>I would think you could get close to a full ride at Tulane. They tend to be very generous when it comes to Merit aid (mainly due to a low yield). I don’t know enough about the others to speculate. TU has a very similar feel and student body to Emory so it’s worth checking out. New Orleans is worth a visit, but I’m partial.</p>