Are Waiting Lists Out of Control?

There are some reports on the Harvard board about waitlist offers going out yesterday.

I read that Yale did not use their waitlist this year, and Princeton’s waitlist is closed. Also read that W&L’s waitlist is closed.

NYU accepted just 150 students… and have closed their waitlist. They had waitlisted 28000 students.

Am I reading that correctly? 28000 applicants were waitlisted?

^Good question. It is not unusual for there to be some confusion between the number offered a place on the waitlist and the number that actually accept a place on the waitlist, i.e. the actual waitlist size. The difference can be large.

In March, NYU accepted 15k for a target class of 6500.

Brown took people from the waitlist, as did Stanford.

@cof22mom I plan to take freshman year at a different college before taking the guaranteed sophomore transfer to BU. I’m going to make the most of the freshman honors college and women’s leadership program I was offered freshman year and transfer that over to BU. I plan to enjoy every year of college regardless of the freshman year being elsewhere. Focusing on the outcome is key; BU was my first choice and I’m getting that just in a non-conventional fashion.

NYU has been also known to have obscene wait lists.