<p>We were feeling pretty good about my son's (a Junior) potential college choices, based on test scores and GPA so far. But, as I read through these boards, I'm a little panicked because he doesn't seem to have the so-called "excellent" ECs, as far as leadership. </p>
<p>Background - Junior with unweighted GPA of 4.44 at the end of first trimester Junior year, unweighted 4.0, at a large (870 in his class), academically strong hs. Got a 33 last year on the ACT (Feb of sophomore year) and will probably re-take this Spring. Got a 2100 on the SAT as a freshman, got a 207 on PSAT last year (currently waiting for the Junior year PSAT score and crossing our fingers for Natl. Merit) Got a 5 on AP US History test. Currently taking AP Bio, AP Comp, Honors Pre-Calc (with take AP Calc next year), Honors English, Spanish 4 (will take AP Spanish next year), Physics. Will also add AP Chem next year, and Honors Anatomy and Physio next year.</p>
<p>ECs - Cross country, but not Varsity (there are 110 boys on the team!) - 9,10,11,12
Running Club, training for Half Marathon - 10,11,12
Youth Group - 9,10,11,12 which has included annual mission trips, including one to Peru
NHS, 11, 12 Spanish Honor Society - 10,11,12
Youth recreation leader for VBS - 9,10,11
Has averaged about 50 service hours a year, but with a variety of activities
Initiated and led a shoe drive as a service project for the cross country team
Elected to serve as the youth representative to the Board of Elders at our church - 11,12</p>
<p>He is fairly certain that he wants to major in Biochemistry (research intent, not premed) and has shadowed a Doctor/Professor/Researcher in a pulmonary lab at a nearby teaching hospital. After visiting several schools to get a feel for what he likes, his first choice school is Wash U-SL, with Emory a close second. We have visited both. We also plan to check out Notre Dame and anticipate that it will be a top choice as well. BUT, are we overreaching?? We will obviously know more after a couple more tests this year, but reading through these boards, I am afraid that perhaps without those "outstanding" ECs, we should not aim quite so high? Honestly, I am amazed by what some kids manage to do while still keeping their grades high. I'm just not sure that he could take on any more and still continue to be a successful student!</p>