Are y'all gonna leave me?

<p>So we seem to have a nice kind of rapport on this forum don't we.. but are most of you going to disappear from these boards after you get your decisions and all swan off to Yale (or wherever if you decide somewhere else) without me?? Are there any kind souls who will stay and keep me company 'til this time next year?</p>

<p><em>sits in the corner and sings</em></p>


<p>^ For this precise reason, I suggested everyone facebook/IM ‘friend’ (that’s not a verb, transitive or otherwise…is it…? lol), everyone else.</p>

<p>Two people have taken me up on the facebook thing, and one person on the AIM thing.
I’m happy they did. I dunno if they’re happy they did, (I’d like to think so), but still…</p>

<li><p>We go to the same school - awesome, we’ll have ‘known’ one another for months. That’d be pretty chill, eh? Having a new friend?</p></li>
<li><p>We don’t go to the same school - <em>snaps fingers and kicks empty soup can</em>, well.</p></li>

<p>We’ll have ‘known’ one another for months. And that’d still be pretty chill, eh? Having a new friend?</p>

<p>@c-hope, did you block me? You are never on aim anymore.</p>

<p>Damn right. I’m happy to facebook people. You’re right, it’s not a verb at all and is really quite ridiculous but oh well! It’s quite funny, if you’d said “I’ll facebook you” ten years ago people would be like “WHAT?!” same with things like “lolcat”. And “iPod”. Oh how times are a-changin’!</p>

<p>I think it would be really cool if we all end up at the same school. And if not… well, more facebook friends makes me look popular. So even if we’re not IRL friends, online friends is the next best thing.</p>

<p>Is Yale your top choice?</p>

<p>No. I’m just never on AIM…I facebook chat much more often.</p>

<p>Even though their chat client is crap, facebook chat has pretty much supplanted every other service, especially ones like Pidgin and Trillian that were supposed to link all clients -
Since everyone has a facebook now, everyone can use fb chat.</p>

<p>Assuming I got into both Yale and Cornell (bahahahahahahahaahahahahahahah), I would have the really awesome, but really difficult decision of picking between the two.</p>

<p>I feel like we’re blessed for our generation to have grown up in the 90s/early 2000s. Without some major changes to the way computing interfaces (not necessarily the way it is accomplished), or the way English is spoken, we’ll be able to adapt to any changes…It’s those people that were born just a few decades early that are always going to be in the dark.</p>

<p>collegehopefull, hit me up with your facebook over PM. I’ll gladly friend you.</p>

<p>portuguese: you seem like a cool person, but I don’t think I’ve talked to you on CC haha. The only person I’ve friended on FB from the Yale forum was IndiaRubber.</p>

<p>How exactly can we get married if you go to cornell…</p>

<p>Oh wait. You’re too short anyways. bahahahahahhaha</p>

<p>^ Huh?</p>

<p>When did I suggest marrying anyone on facebook/CC?</p>

<p>Jeesh, I leave for one week, and you guys develop completely new running jokes…</p>

<p>I seem to have to confused with someone else… ermm.</p>

<p>Let’s not mention this again… ever…</p>

<p><em>hears sound of something fwooshing over his head</em></p>


<p>collegehopefull: I think the only inside jokes I get in on with the CC folks are the ones with IndiaRubber/you… otherwise, I don’t get many holla’s from the Yale crowd.</p>

<p>I’ve been on this forum since freshman year… I suppose I’ll be staying well into college- giving assistance to the next batch of crazy, neurotic overachievers to help them see the cold horrible reality of “crapshoot” admissions.</p>


<p>haha, I’m a junior too, so I’ll be on for a while, until next year anyways.
it’s more like just joining CC than leaving for me =]</p>

<p>I’ll be here too, for a long time to come. I’m a junior. And if I ever defy the laws of the natural world and college admissions to land a spot in Yale next year I’ll be here during college to help all crazy prospective applicants (i.e. me) out.</p>

<p>ChandlerBing, you are already one of my favourite people here just because of that username. Chandler is my favourite :smiley: Consider this me officially introducing myself to you <em>shakes hand</em> pleased ya meet cha!</p>

<p>Mal77 I think I know what you meant about the marriage, it was on another thread recently right? Someone asked you to marry them, asking if you had brown hair? Haha.</p>

<p>Chair2 and Lanaesque, welcome to the Prospective Yalies Club!</p>

<p>No love for the King here? I’m sad.</p>


<p>i will be here to help people out
if i am accepted, then i will get on the facebook train
otherwise, forget about it</p>

<p>^ Well where the hell have you been? : )</p>

<p>Always love for the King. I am British, after all. We dig the monarchy.</p>

<p>Bulldog, where will you go if not Yale?</p>