<p>I'm just curious about how many of you are vegetarian or vegan and why you decided to become one?</p>
<p>I don’t eat meat, but I don’t consider myself a vegetarian because I eat meat based products. I stopped eating meat because I just didn’t like it.</p>
<p>No way ever!</p>
<p>I love it too much.</p>
<p>^haha, I used to think the same thing. I went to a farm for a little and wasn’t comfortable with the idea of “meeting” my lunch. I’ve been a vegetarian for like a year if you don’t include the stuff I didn’t know. The fact that gummi bears, starburst, marshmallows, some cheeses, and yogurt have meat products in them is so odd. </p>
<p>I suppose its made me healthier now that I can’t eat all of that above.</p>
<p>^ Ya, my whole area is farming. I’m still good with it. lol</p>
<p>Nope, I love my meat!</p>
<p>I’m a vegan. Animals do not deserve death (non-vegetarianism) or torture (vegetarianism).</p>
<p>Yes, and by yes I mean no.</p>
<p>If we aren’t supposed to eat animals, then why are they made of meat???</p>
<p>No, I’m not. We raise cows, so we eat quite a bit of beef. :)</p>
<p>“I’m a vegan. Animals do not deserve death (non-vegetarianism) or torture (vegetarianism).”</p>
<p>How long did it take you to become a vegan? Were you raised that way or did you go from a vegetarian to vegan quickly?</p>
<p>I would really love to become one. I only drink soy milk, rarely eat eggs, and I’m starting to cut back on cheese but so many things have non-vegan ingredients. I don’t cook for myself so it would be complicated and I only get like $30 every ten days to buy fruits, vegetables, and other foods I can eat so it would be expensive. Once I move out, I definitely want to make the transition.</p>
<p>I’ve thought of becoming one several times but it’s such a challenge whenever I’m in boarding school. My brother is one though. LOL</p>
<p>^ Just transfer to Exeter, they have vegiatian lunches. lol</p>
<p>I’m just joking of course.</p>
<p>I went vegan for a little over a year. Then went anemic. Then went sane.</p>
<p>HELL TO THE NO. I tried to be vegetarian for a year and by the end, i was suffering from withdrawal hahaha im like the only indian person I know who eats meat</p>
<p>im not veg, i just dont eat a lot of meat. ive gone months without eating meat, not on purpose, thats just how things work out sometimes. im sorta part of veg club too.</p>
<p>I’m a vegetarian…have been for almost six years. I was vegan for like, four but decided to go back.</p>
<p>I used to have more sympathy with this view (though I was never close to vegetarian), but one time it struck me that for most animals, if they had they ability to eat humans (i.e strength, fighting prowess, weapons) they would. Eating other animals is the way the world works.</p>
<p>the idea of eating animals doesnt bother me, mass market farming is pretty terrible though</p>
<p>Proud vegetarian for over 4 years. </p>
<p>Would go vegan, but my body doesn’t tolerate soy in large quantities :(.</p>