Are you allowed to selfstudy for 2 AP exams

<p>is there any reason your councelor will not allow you to take the ap exams when you have not taken the class? i want to be an ap scholar but i am only taking 1 ap class this year (junior year).. </p>

<p>and if you suggest self studying.. i was thinking of environmental science and biology.. how would you suggest studying for these.</p>

<p>finally do you think i can pull off a 4/5 and would it look good for colleges that you took the initiative and self studied for a couple aps (just wondering)</p>

<p>thanks a lot!!</p>

<p>Yes, you can self-study. Environmental science and biology are the two easiest science AP tests. It’s good to take them together because they sort of overlap in some topics. It’d be great to take AP bio after you’ve taken regular biology at high school. I, along with most of CC, recommend Cliffs for bio and smartypants for environmental science. Good luck!</p>

<p>Your counselor should definitely allow you to self study 2 AP Tests. Other AP tests that are considered easy to self-study for are Psychology and Human Geography. Good Luck.</p>

<p>so even if im not taking the actual course i can still take the exam? (took bio H last yr) and how is psychology??</p>

<p>Just go and ask your counselor next time you get the chance. How should we know what kind of arbitrary restriction may be placed on your particular school?</p>

<p>As for self studying, I hear environmental is good, specially in a combo with bio (they overlap a bit), but bio itself is hard. I hear cliffs for bio is god, though.</p>

<p>Psych is… so-so. I think it’s in the middle-to-easy range of the social studies AP’s, but there is A LOT of material you need to know. So its pretty hard to cram it, regardless of your ability level; you must be disciplined and read a bit each day.</p>

<p>Here’s another thread that might help you:</p>

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