<p>Guys do u type by the method of Touch typing or just normal typing?</p>
<p>PS: i am into touch typing :)</p>
<p>Guys do u type by the method of Touch typing or just normal typing?</p>
<p>PS: i am into touch typing :)</p>
<p>what’s the difference</p>
<p>well with touch typing , you type much faster …plus you dont have to look at the keyboard every time you type…</p>
<p>by “normal typing” do you mean using your index finger to press each key? I thought people stopped doing that in third grade</p>
<p>Err… I’ve kinda developed my own idiosyncratic method for typing. It doesn’t have the speed and foolproofness of the real mechanographical typing used by secretaries, but it does allow me to type faster than most people at the expense of a large number of typos (thank the Lord for spellcheckers). I don’t need to look at the keyboard to hunt and peck, per se, but I do need to keep it within the corner of my eye to get an idea of what I am doing… so I can type while keeping my attention on the screen, but I can’t type in the dark.</p>
<p>^ yeah, the same with me</p>
<p>I don’t know what these terms are, but I use the standard method of typing… using both hands and all fingers…</p>
<p>^ [Touch</a> typing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia](<a href=“http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Touch_typing]Touch”>Touch typing - Wikipedia)</p>
<p>Hope that clears up what the terms mean.</p>
<p>Oh, I guess I do touch type, then. o_o</p>
<p>do u have to look at the keyboord while typing?</p>
<p>^ no, most people don’t look at the keyboard.</p>
<p>I don’t use all of my fingers and have to look at the keyboard to type fastest, but I can type without looking at the keys…</p>
<p>I know, I’m weird…</p>
<p>Interesting. I never ‘learnt’ touch typing. I used to look at the keys and type. It sorta came over the years by itself. Thats the beauty of a skill, the more you do it, the better you get.</p>
<p>so if that’s touch typing then what’s “normal” typing?</p>
<p>i learned touch typing in elementary school (quick ask zoe what stops xrays even dogs can’t!) but mostly it’s just a skill you pick up from typing a lot.</p>
<p>Touch typing is not just typing without looking at the keyboard, as most people pick up to varying degrees. It is a deliberate technique (well, there is more than one technique but you usually only learn one) that you practice to get good at and involves putting your fingers in the home row, deploying them to specific keys dictated by the technique, and returning them. It’s what secretaries and such have always used to type 60 wpm or somewhere around.</p>
<p>Take a look here: [Technique</a> of touch typing](<a href=“http://www.typingsoft.com/typing.htm]Technique”>Technique of touch typing)</p>
<p>Ah, I see the difference. I’m a touch-typer then, I guess.
I almost never look at the keyboard.
I think most people probably type without looking if they’ve been typing for years. </p>
<p>However, I don’t use the “proper” ASDF JKL; home keys method. </p>
<p>I do like to watch people peck and type (pointer finger only, spend a deal of time searching for one key, peck at it - and repeat.)</p>
<p>I use the home row method, and I don’t look at the keyboard. I had a Nazi for a keyboarding teacher in middle school. She made us cover our hands with a towel and turn off our monitors, so we could only look at the notebook from which we were copying.</p>
<p>As such, I learned to type quickly without looking.</p>
<p>I don’t do home keys or anything like that, nor do I look at the keyboard. But I’m not a touch-typist, apparently. Heh, there are a few kids in my school that took keyboarding class (where this method is taught, I believe) and still can’t type.</p>
<p>I didn’t bother with it. I didn’t need to take a 180 day class for something I had already learned in a lot less time. </p>
<p>I remember back a long while ago when someone told me I couldn’t learn to type without knowing all the home keys and putting my fingers on them…I laughed. =D</p>
<p>Typing should not be a challenge. Once it is learned, it shouldn’t have to be called a skill either. It’s basically a necessity in this day and age, and I don’t know that many people who can’t do it proficiently. </p>
<p>Anyway, I’ve never heard the term touch-typing before. Well, now I have. xD</p>
<p>I was taught the home row method. In middle school, we learned to type by placing an orange cover over the keyboard and copying exercises given by a computer program. </p>
<p>I got an award for having the highest WPM average in the grade :).</p>
<p>Well … i just finished my tocuh typying course via a software named “typing master”
and my tpying speed has increased from 24 WPM to 52 WPM… :)</p>