<p>just wondering, but are you guys studying any languages during your free time? and how successful have you been at it?</p>
<p>i'm teaching myself japanese and korean. i watch anime and listen to kpop frequently ^_^ i also read a bunch of japanese grammar books. i've also taken chinese classes for some year and i'm proficient in chinese, i guess. when i'm done with AP Latin i might take up a few romance languages. i also know some Spainish.</p>
<p>Not really self studying, but I’m taking the AP test for German in the spring even though my class technically isn’t AP though even though its really German 5 which would be even past AP at my school, but we don’t have AP German and because of schedule and curriculum changes in the school board last year, the class is actually called German 3. Even though its my 5th credit of German. I swear admissions is going to be so confused next year.</p>
<p>What is this free time you speak of?</p>
<p>I self studied Japanese for a few years but felt like I wasn’t going anywhere with it.</p>
<p>What else do you guys do extracurricularly???</p>
<p>I’m already studying Latina and Greek in school and Spanish outside… Always hungry to learn more.</p>
<p>How does studying languages extracurricularly look to colleges?</p>
<p>i taught myself japanese in the 5th grade mainly through the internet, translating anime/drama stuff, song lyrics etc hahaha
you should take the jlpt if you havent!
currently fluent in japanese (took classes after that) and self studying spanish</p>
<p>I once tried to teach myself Hindi, but I stopped after a few days. I did not learn well without a teacher there to teach me. XD</p>