Are you shallow?

<p>Rate yourself on a scale of 1-10 according to how shallow you think you are :D.</p>

<p>I'd give myself a 4/10. I'm nice to everyone in general...</p>

<p>I give myself sqrt(-1)/10 just to show how deep I am.</p>

<p>I am pretty sure I am -infinity/10.</p>

<p>Errr, I guess I’m maybe 1/arcsin(1/2) * pi. It’s not that I’m like, “Ah, that person is ugly so I don’t like him.” It’s more like, you can kind of tell who’s a good person and who’s a bad apple by looking at them? I usually give shifty people the benefit of the doubt for a while, but it’s easier for them to convince me of their shiftiness. (Sorry, I think I stopped making sense somewhere in this paragraph…)</p>

<p>Basically, I mean that I don’t care if you’re homely as long as you look honest.</p>

<p>I’m very shallow, but I also have bad taste.</p>

<p>I’m deeper than the ocean</p>

<p>I’m a little shallow. Maybe 3/10. But I’m very vain.</p>

<p>im nice to everyone but if you go on my wrong side… ur dead.</p>

<p>6/10 .</p>

<p>7/10 :> <3</p>

<p>7/10, I’m shallow in high school, it will change once I care more about personality.</p>

NOT being shallow is probably my most redeeming quality.</p>

<p>But, my sis is probably like- 9/10. Once when we were arguing about something, she said something like- “Well, atleast I’m prettier than you!”. We actually look like twins.</p>

<p>I’m polite to everyone, but my head goes nuts with shallow, mean comments. <3</p>


<p>:) I keep my comments to myself.</p>

<p>I’m shallow in the sense that when I see people I feel like I can tell whether I am going to like them or not… but it’s not really based on how good looking they are. I don’t really know how to explain it haha. I think I’m like a 4/10.</p>

<p>probably like an 8/10
but i’m nice to everyone… i just think mean comments in my head lol</p>

<p>I’m about a 7/10. Looks will get your foot in the door, but you have to show you have some substance.</p>

<p>im mayyyybe like a 3 or 4/10. i wouldnt date someone who was too good looking, i like guys that are sorta quirky. as long as youre interesting, youre good to go. i didnt think one of my bfs was that attractive or anything, but then i took him to a party and people flipped out. who knew? in terms of just talking to people, ill talk to whoever is around me and see if i agree with their personality.</p>

<p>6, probably
i can be pretty shallow sometimes, but i don’t voice my shallow thoughts</p>