Area Recruiters

<p>We attended the college fair sponsored by our high school last night and had a chance to meet the area recruiter. We had emailed her about a week ago letting her know we were looking at UA, scheduling a visit and hoping to learn more from her when we met her at the fair. She encouraged my daughter to keep in touch and that she would track the admissions process once D applied. </p>

<p>Other than the HS Award Night, how much interaction did you have with the local recruiters? Where they helpful in providing information and advice? Was the information mostly related to process and timeline or did they provide other input? I am looking forward to hearing of others experiences as I am hoping this is a relationship that can be leveraged as our campus visits may be limited. </p>

<p>Oh, I know someone out there will want to know, they handed out DVDs with interactive tours as well as hounds tooth pens :slight_smile: .</p>

<p>I think it depends on the recruiter. Ours was nice enough when she responded, but frankly, I think I know more about the various programs available at UA (from reading this forum) than she does. My D asked her a couple questions at a college fair that I knew the answers to from the knowledgeable folks here, and the recruiter gave D incorrect information. She didn’t do any tracking of D’s application process (not that any was required). She also isn’t quick to respond. I reached out to her before D’s visit (a few weeks before) and didn’t hear back from her until the visit was over. And we’ll have no interaction with her at HS Award Night - she’s dropping the certificates off after the seniors are finished with school. I’ll probably have to have younger D pick it up at the office and bring it home. On the other hand, I’ve read on here about other recruiters who go above and beyond.</p>

<p>Ditto, here, on everything BM said ^, since I’m from IL, too…
BUT, forge your own way, mytwods! - do not let others’ (mine included) feelings for their experience mar your quest to find a great school. While the UA rep may be able to help your decision, please do not hold it against them if you have a negative experience with them. A PERSONAL VISIT is the best way to get the feel for the place. (And, UA’s visit WILL be personal and personable, as we can all attest to!) </p>

<p>Since we don’t know where you’re coming from (which state), can’t comment further other than to say that ANY visit to ANY college is probably worth it if your finances/time can swing it. </p>

<p>Also, depending on your student’s major, you can explore week-long summer camps at these various colleges too. S did week-long engineering camps at 2 different uni’s…and friend’s D did language and anthropology camps at others.</p>

<p>I only have the highest praise for the DFW area recruiter. But keep in mind that not all students will see their recruiter at their Senior Awards event. First of all, it depends on whether your school allows it. Ours apparently does not, but I understand that there is a certificate in her senior packet that she will receive in a couple of weeks complete with diploma, transcripts, etc. BTW, she actually graduated last night :)</p>

<p>^^^ Ditto Aeromom & Beth’s mom…since I am Illinois too. We almost did not pursue UA because she was our first contact and we never heard anything. Luckily that was about the time I found this forum and read a post by M2CK so I asked her for help. </p>

<p>Every region has different recruiter’s…sounds like some are great and some are not. Good Luck Mtmywods and remember we are all here if you have any questions.</p>

<p>aeromom, we are in TX. I agree about the value of site visits, we have planned summer trips to CA and Thanksgiving in New Orleans around visits this past year… If only I could generate more interest from my D to go to a school on a beach :slight_smile: </p>

<p>We will be visiting UA in a month and have a tour set up, have contacted the honors program and will be meeting with them as well. If it goes well we would very much like to make a return visit when school is in session.</p>

<p>Our Houston-area recruitor, Mike Olive, has made every effort that could be expected: he met with DD at her school, then we saw him at a UA reception in Houston, then he responded to MANY emails and phone calls we sent with specific questions and requests for info (campus maps, other info, etc.) and he worked with the undergrad admissions and Honors offices to set up our upcoming campus tour. He’s worked really hard for us, and I wish you all could have that same experience. Mike’s really likeable and an asset to UA (and to the HS kids and their families considering UA.)</p>

<p>I met my regional recruiter once; recruiters for far-away states (except California) tend to change every year, so I wasn’t expecting having much contact. The head recruiter, Rick Funk, tends to do a lot of the far-away recruiting and gave useful advice and directed me to people who understood my academic situation and were willing and able to accommodate it. </p>

<p>The UA board on CC is quite possibly the best regional recruiter. Even 3+ years ago when the board was not as active, I still found lots of useful information. Even then, sometimes it is best to just show up in Tuscaloosa and explore a la Rick Steves’s Europe Through the Back Door. The vast majority of people I’ve met at UA have been more than willing to stop and answer questions and will often ask confused-looking people if they need any help.</p>



<p>Brilliantly put, by a young man who knows what he’s talking about. SEA_tide, momreads, and of course the Mother Ship, m2ck, were our regional recruiters. Each was unflaggingly generous with their time, spot on with their information, earnest, insightful, bright, genuine, and warm. They are hugely responsible for us discovering, embracing, and reveling in UA because they reflect the essence of UA.</p>

<p>In the past two years they have been joined by all y’all who have shared the work gladly and ably, attracting and informing a geometrically growing mass of interested parties, now that the UA secret seems to be out.</p>

<p>Yeah, we sometimes squabble, butt heads, and ruffle one another’s feathers here, but it seems to me we most often end up agreeing to disagree, if need be, and just keep on talking to one another as friends should.</p>

<p>I can’t think of a better resource than the collective wisdom on this forum for getting the information, direction, or referrals one needs when it comes to 'Bama. But, as I believe most of the veterans here would agree, there is no substitute for experiential education. If you want to know UA, as well as know about UA, please heed SEA_tide’s advice and get yourselves to Tuscaloosa.</p>

<p>Thanks for all the input! I do appreciate all the helpful information I have collected in the relatively short time I have been on CC! I have always found tribal knowledge to be more informative than official channels. </p>

<p>We are scheduled for our visit in a little over a month. The recruiter was able to give some good info on actual travel time, 9 ½ hours with no lingering stops along the way. </p>

<p>We excel at wandering about cluelessly and looking confused so we should attract much helpful input while there :)</p>

<p>“Tribal Knowledge”. Love IT!</p>

<p>mytwods, we’ve only driven it once, but it was 8.75 hours with two stops and some traffic when we hit Dallas. But I <em>might</em> have been exceeding the speed limit just a tad :)</p>

<p>@lattelady - My husband was able to speak with the recruiter at length before an official recruiting meeting a while back. She has plenty of knowledge, and is very quick in replying to e-mails.</p>

<p>Rick Funk = very helpful. Roll Tide.</p>

<p>THe area recruiter brought the certificates and scholarship information to my son’s school this morning. Quite a few raised eyebrows, and a quieting of the nay-sayers and non-believers regarding the amount of the scholarship and the “prestige” factor! </p>

<p>Way to go 'Bama!</p>

<p>That makes me smile, Vlines.:)</p>

<p>After all the hype I was really excited for my senior awards night tonight. However, I only received the certificate in an envelope–no special presenter, no meeting with the recruiter, nothing. I was thoroughly disappointed. Anyone else not experience the full scholarship awarding experience?</p>

<p>^^^^Unfortunately, it does seem that some recruiters do not present the awards at the individual school award nights. This might be for a variety of reasons; perhaps the recruiter has a conflict of schedules or in some cases, that I am aware of, the high school will not allow the recruiter to present at the awards ceremony. </p>

<p>The most important thing is that you know what a great scholarship you have won, and that you will be attending the UA!!</p>

<p>Roll Tide</p>



<p>I know I must have misread this. It really said, “Wow, I received a scholarship from a wonderful university. So many people are struggling these days to find ways to cope with the enormous costs of college in a down economy, and I’ve been blessed with this generous award. I am thoroughly elated.”</p>

<p>Perspective is everything.</p>

<p>Welcome to UA and Roll Tide.</p>

<p>^^^ that ^^^</p>