Arizona for study abroad?

<p>I am from New Zealand and planning on studying abroad for a year. My school has an exchange agreement with U of A so I’m looking at going there.</p>

<p>Basically I am wanting to experience college culture in America and wondering if this would be an appropriate university to do so? Mostly I am just looking for a good time, don’t care too much about the academics.</p>

<p>Other goals include travelling around New England, obviously far away so maybe Arizona isn’t best?</p>

<p>Also, many other New Zealanders there? I was hoping to go to place where there wasn’t and people would want to know me because of it. Just so I don’t go the whole year being incredibly lonely.</p>

<p>All I really know about it is that it is a bit isolated and when I ask around I only hear about how hot the girls are (don’t get me wrong, that is a pretty good draw card).</p>

<p>And any other forums similar to this one where there are more Arizona students?</p>

<p>Not sure of anywhere online with more Arizona students. I'd definitely be interested to know, though. It's a shame this place isn't too active.</p>

<p>Living in AZ all of my life, I can't think of a time I've met someone from New Zealand (judging by accents, anyways).</p>

<p>If you're interested in going to New England, it may not be the best school to visit. Unless you have a means of driving a few thousand miles. (Or flying)</p>

<p>I don't go there yet (next year!), but from what I've heard from others, and seen on my many trips down there, it's a pretty normal school in terms of the American "college culture". Lots of students, so you shouldn't have too tough a time finding things to do, and people to do them with, if you do choose to go down there.</p>

<p>It's a bit "isolated" if you ignore Tucson, but aside from that, Phoenix is a relatively short drive north, which is nice.</p>

<p>cheers man, I guess I could be going next year too. I could go at the beginning of '10 but I think it would be cooler to go for the proper academic year.</p>

<p>I think I'm gonna put University of Virginia as my first choice and Arizona as my back up. Apparently they never fill all the exchange places to Arizona so I'd almost be guaranteed a place there if I missed out on Virginia.</p>