<p>If you are going get there early. President Bush is planning on attending.
The</a> Associated Press: Bush plans to attend Army-Navy game on Dec. 6</p>
<p>Unless you’ve been to a game the president attended you can’t understand the importance of getting there early. The last time he went was my '08 son’s plebe year, so most folks on here have never seen the level of security. In 2004 we were sitting in the nosebleed seats, and could see people still waiting in line to get into the stadium at halftime. Everyone goes through a metal detector/gets patted down, and every bag is searched. It is not the usual cursory inspection, and it takes time. Please make your plans accordingly so that you are not disappointed.</p>
<p>Thanks for the warning. How early is early if we want to see the march ons?</p>
<p>The marchon begins at 9:30 am for Navy and 10:00 am for Army.
You will want to get inline before the gate opens. I went two years ago and got there about 7:30, I think.</p>
<p>[2008</a> Army Navy Football Game Information, Stats, Hotels, Tickets](<a href=“http://www.phillylovesarmynavy.com/]2008”>http://www.phillylovesarmynavy.com/)</p>
<p>JAM4 - Thank you</p>
<p>Dang! Now I am really wishing we had opted to go… I guess it is not too late, but we have some other commitments for that day JAM4, please take some pictures for me, okay?</p>
<p>“The marchon begins at 9:30 am for Navy and 10:00 am for Army.”</p>
<p>Navy strolls in at 9:30am, Army marches on at 10am.
Then the beatdown begins. (hopefully)</p>
<p>Beat Navy!</p>
<p>Ha… sorry Shogun, not this year…GO NAVY, beat ARMY</p>
<p>“A ship in the harbor is safe; but that is not where Navy ships are designed to be.”</p>
<p>Question, the game starts at noon on TV.</p>
<p>Does that mean it starts at 9AM Pacific Time, for us on the West Coast?</p>
<p>That is correct.</p>
<p>Weather forecast - Partly cloudy (or partly sunny?), High of 39 deg, wind 7 mph.
[Daily</a> Weather Forecast for Philadelphia, PA - weather.com](<a href=“National and Local Weather Radar, Daily Forecast, Hurricane and information from The Weather Channel and weather.com”>National and Local Weather Radar, Daily Forecast, Hurricane and information from The Weather Channel and weather.com)</p>
<p>I will be one hour to the south east watching in my living room :D</p>
<p>Is the march on televised?</p>
Why aren’t you going?</p>
<p>Idk, good question I live so close I should. When do tickets usually sell out?</p>
<p>They are sold out - but you can still find them if you need one.</p>
<p>I no I was just wondering, I have sats… D:</p>
<p>Oh yeah - take those SAT’s!!! You will be there next year!</p>
<p>Hopefully ma’am hopefully if not I’ll be 15 min away at Drexel or 2,000 miles at usafa! :D</p>
<p>If you are 15 mins away at Drexel you can still go a cheer for Army!
(forget about Air Force - )</p>
<p>Haha! If I’m 15 min away at drexel I’ll prob be at the game! :D</p>