Art + Unsure

Hello, I am a senior right now in high school, still unsure what I want to major in. I have a passion for art and it’s what I have excelled in most gradewise throughout my time in high school. Up until recently an art school had been my top consideration, but now liberal arts schools are my first. I know how competitive the art field can be, and I’m not sure how guaranteed stability would be in the future with only a degree in art. So I want to double major in art and something else more stable, or at least minor in art. I was considering accounting because it seems pretty straight forward and promising, and involves math which is the next subject I excel at and enjoy (although I’m not as passionate about it as art.) I have not been thinking of majoring in in business management because I dont think I could handle completely running my own business, and neither can I see myself making my living off of solely my art, because the competition really intimidates me, but I at least want to be able to keep pursuing it on the side, its always been my dream to one day work with cartoons/animation. I’m also not really a person who’s good at communicating or getting myself out there. So marketing hasnt been something I’ve been thinking about either. I feel art and accounting are two completely different things to study, and I’m not sure how well they’d go together if it all. Does it seem odd/obscure or niche? Would there be any other better majors instead of accounting? I just want guaranteed stability in my future, as long as I can be happy continuing working with art a little on the side. Thank you :slight_smile:


Let’s start with the obvious. A lot can and will change between now and the time you graduate college. Fewer students come out of college with the major they went in with than those that stick to it. And that can be a good thing, since you are exposed to areas you might not have even heard of before. But let’s play the daydreaming game and suppose you maintain your passion for art, while getting a “more practical” major as well. Who’s to say those two cannot go together? That you couldn’t make yourself valuable to a small to medium sized gallery owner by not only being able to help them on the art presentation side (especially if you have expertise in a niche such as animation and related genres), but then also taking care of their books? Or if you go beyond just accounting and garner some exposure to management issues, that someday you couldn’t have full or part ownership in such an enterprise?

A long shot? Sure, that is a tough business in which to make a living, but people do it. And the beauty of such a scenario is that it might also give you time to stay in touch with your own artistic desires. Not only that, it might be true that there are certain nuances in the accounting area that apply especially to businesses that carry high value, relatively non-liquid assets such as art pieces. You could create a niche for yourself by specializing. I am spit balling of course, but it shows there are any number of ways these things can work together, and that you have a lot to learn while exploring. But I don’t think you are on the wrong track.