Article on Positive Impacts of Early Music Lessons

The article is short on details, but the research findings that are cited are interesting. Particularly when one considers how quick some schools are to cut music programs when budgets are tight.

Of course, we, the parents on CC’s music forum, already know this… Just wish the public and private schools would be able to afford more music classes. Son’s general music student teaching placement this semester includes a preK general music class and a special needs preK general music class. Naturally, the kids love their music class.

Not a big surprise, kids tend to love music, and at an early age the brain is very much set up for it (I believe it has something to do with the ability to learn languages among other things), plus it also has to do with learning something that is abstract and concrete at the same time:). Plus it is fun, which means they aren’t seeing it as ‘work’:slight_smile:

You know, when I saw the title of this thread, my first thought was about the benefits of lessons in Medieval and Renaissance music. :slight_smile:

I had the same thought!