Article saying Saban is the reason a lot of out of states kids chose UA

<p>Alabama accepts the following tests from senior year for scholarship consideration:</p>

<p>SAT Oct and Nov
ACT Sept and Oct</p>

<p>ACT 32 = 1400 M+CR SAT
ACT 30 = 1330 M+CR SAT</p>

<p>Any other recommendations with great merit for GPA of 3.3ish and 2040/2400 SAT?</p>


<p>What do you want your remaining costs to be? That will give us an idea of where to direct you.</p>

<p>Thanks, m2ck &aero! She’s very excited & she was very fortunate to have many great options to choose from. :slight_smile: I still recommend Bama to kids every chance I get! I have a c/o 2016’er who will have a different FA situation (lives with dad primarily) & will need to go to a school with strong merit aid … So I still might have a Bama-bound kid in a fee more years!! :)</p>

<p>@mom2collegekids, You state the the test have to be from their senior year. That is odd. I know of no other school with this requirement. We plan to have applications completed in August of his senior year before the tests are even offered.</p>

<p>My son got a 33 on the recent ACT and hasn’t planned to take it again. Are you saying he will have to take it again to apply for the scholarships?</p>

<p>I think she meant that those are the tests from a student’s senior year that they can use. I used my junior one fine.</p>

<p>@mom2collegekids, You state the the test have to be from their senior year. That is odd. I know of no other school with this requirement. We plan to have applications completed in August of his senior year before the tests are even offered.</p>

<p>I may not have been clear since my post was really info for the mom with a rising senior who needed higher scores.</p>

<p>The listed senior exams are the last exams accepted. Earlier exams are fine.</p>

<p>mom2collegekids, Was waiting to hear from guidance counselor about the QPA our school uses…his 87.7 QPA would roughly translate to 3.2 on a 4.0 scale. So I think too low here even if SAT hits the mark.<br>
As far as our EFA…pretty minimal. Unfortunately, balance will need to be loans.<br>
Any suggestions? Thank you!</p>

<p>Hmmm…if you can only contribute a limited amount, then taking out a bunch of loans isn’t a good idea (too hard to pay back), I suggest coming up with a whole different list of schools. There are some schools (maybe not the ones that you’ve been looking at) that will give good sized merit for good scores with less-than-3.5 GPAs. </p>

<p>If he scores well, he needs to apply to:</p>

<p>Miss State
Louisiana Tech (I think that’s the one)
UAH </p>

<p>Schools ranked higher than Bama aren’t likely going to give him much/any merit. Bama actually is pretty lenient with the 3.5 GPA (many higher ranked schools require 3.75+) along with the high M+CR or high ACT. There was a time when Bama required a 3.7 GPA, but lowered it to 3.5 to grab more high test score students.</p>

<p>We have 2 OOS at Alabama, senior and Freshman. Our Senior’s friends were mostly from AL, a couple TN and couple GA. Our Freshman’s friends are from AL,MS,GA,OH,FL,PA,TN and TX shows the diversification and National exposure in 4 years.</p>

<p>I’m considering UA, but that has nothing to do with the football program; it’s because of the scholarships! Though I certainly don’t mind it, coming from a high school and a family that are both very into football.</p>

Where in NY are you from?</p>

<p>NYBama: I’m from Long Island</p>

There are a lot of Long Islanders attending now and heading to Bama in the Fall. Many are here on CC.</p>

<p>A lot of kids go to Alabama because of the scholarships, but don’t realize that football is what allows the school to give out such generous merit aid.</p>

<p>And then there’s a lot of kids who go there because they know they’ll get a great education on a beautiful campus! The current large wave of scholarships were funded by a capital campaign that took place 7 years ago. That said, I’m sure the excitement around the football program certainly makes fundraising easier!</p>

<p>We never thought of it as a choice for our son because we figuered he would prefer a liberal arts atmosphere. We expected our son to apply to Florida schools and maybe a few in the East but he attended a college fair at his school and liked what the Rep said to him. Although it was added to his list of options my husband wasn’t sold on it not even after attending the alumni events. However, for some reason this summer our son narrowed his choices futher to those with little to no debt. The only one that is out of state and in the #1 spot is University of Alabama. When he tells people it’s his top choice they all say Roll, Tide, Roll and we laugh because football has nothing to do with his choice. I believe the football program makes it possible for OOS students to attend with little debt but I think football is just a plus. It seems to have a lot more to offer today’s kids. Looking fwd to see where he goes. I’m hoping for a road trip to Alabama!</p>