Artistic acceptances MT/Acting class of 2026

Hi again! D and I are visiting NYU this week since we can’t make the upcoming weekend event. We’d love a chance to meet a current student if you think your D is game! I’ll message you.

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hi! all my decisions are in and now i’m hoping for some advice on where to go.

all MT unless noted!
did not pass prescreen: Pace, Penn State, CCM, UAZ, Elon, Rider (ended up doing a walk-in in Chicago for acting instead), Ithaca
passed prescreen: Texas St, Syracuse, CCPA (MTD)
no prescreen: NYU (all studios), Ball State, Baldwin Wallace, U Arts, Wright State (acting and MT), U Miami, Ohio, Cornish, UAB (i think they have one but i did a unifieds walk in??? idk), LIU Post, Rutgers (acting)

rejections after live audition: Texas St, Syracuse, Ball State, Baldwin Wallace, Wright State, U Miami, UAB, Rutgers

waitlists: Rider (BFA Acting), Ohio (BFA MT)

acceptances(!!!): LIU Post BFA MT, Cornish BFA MT, U Arts BFA MT, CCPA BFA MT Dance, NYU BFA Drama

struggling the most with NYU as it’s, ya know, NYU, but i have no idea if they will place me in NSB or not or how much that matters.


There are many opportunities for musical theatre at NYU even if you aren’t in NSB! My daughter was in playwrights and loved it! They learned every aspect of theatre and put on musicals as well as straight plays. Strasberg also has some musical theatre training. There are also opportunities to try out for musicals through the different clubs. Students I know who are at NYU Tisch are quite happy there.

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Strasberg offers three semesters of dance (ballet, tap, jazz) and one semester of voice during primary training. You can audition for NSB after primary training. D has friends that went that route this year.


i’m truly curious…how does anyone afford nyu?


Deep pockets and lots of savings. My S was set on it and we were just going to use the entire college fund and when he got into UNCSA at half the price it was a huge benefit. They now meet need but there is no merit.


S received an email from Western Michigan today welcoming him to the Fine Arts College. After pressing the link in the email it says ‘Your in’ and has information about the Fine Arts College. Does this mean he was moved off of the waitlist or is this sent to everybody? He did not receive and email from the program head saying he was moved off of the waitlist so I just wanted to know if this was anything important! Thank you so much!


I would say that means he is off the waitlist. You’re In is a great sign!! Congratulations!!

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Does anyone know a lot about The UMN/Guthrie program and it’s current standing and quality? I’ve heard great things about it from a few of the alumni I’ve spoken to, but they are mostly from the late 2000s and early 2010s, and I know it’s had quite a bit of faculty and leadership change, so just wanted to know what some of you think about its current reputation and quality of training. Thanks!

My daughter got this yesterday as well at 4:11pm and is/was? on the short waitlist to WMU. When we click on it it says your in.
I am not sure as these schools send so many emails it’s confusing! Let me know if you find anything out and I will do the same!

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Very interesting question. I am curious as well. The head of the program seemed like a nice intelligent person. Another school pointed out that they do not have any on camera classes-its very traditional theater only. Also I thought it interesting that they don’t hold auditions for shows? They just select plays for the kids with appropriate parts- A huge part of acting is auditioning and I wonder if that puts you at a disadvantage. The guy Sterling from This is Us went there and I think he’s outstanding as an actor:) LMK if you hear more…

Just reached out to the program head :slight_smile:


I love hearing people get off waitlists!! My son is waitlisted at his #1 so we are very hopeful!!



hoping for the best for you and your son!

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D just finally heard from U Arts and it was a yes! She got a rejection from Hartt MT last week. Still waiting on Syracuse and Miami.


Congratulations!! I am so happy for these kids following their dreams!!


Us as well! :crossed_fingers:t2::crossed_fingers:t2::crossed_fingers:t2:

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Good Luck!! I hope everything works out for you all!!

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You as well!

D finished her audition season on a high note with an acceptance to MT from Millikin!