arts and sciences or engineering first

<p>does the second choice/alternate college know that you ranked them your second choice?
right now i'm leaning towards arts and sciences but am also interested in the engineering school and since i think the admission rate for engineering is lower, it might be useless to mark it alternate...?
basically, will i have any chance of being accepted to the engineering school if arts and sciences dont want me?</p>

<p>Really, I think you should just select whatever school you have a greater interest in as your first choice. I’d have to repeat what Cornell said on their website in that you really should not apply to a school merely because it offers you a greater chance at getting in.</p>

<p>Also, I actually don’t know how much easier Arts and Sciences is than Engineering. I had Engineering as my first choice and got into that, so I didn’t need to worry about the CAS admission standards.</p>

<p>They do know the order you selected in. But apply to the program you would feel most comfortable participating in. Don’t forget, if you have a change of interest, you can always transfer internally later on.</p>

<p>ITs are usually not too difficult, unless you are going somewhere like AEM or Bio major at CAS/CALS. From a strictly statistical point of view, CoE admits more students, but their students have significantly higher stats, so in the end, its fairly even. If it is highly probably that you would do an IT, I would suggest CAS because it is more flexible.</p>

<p>maybe if i tell you more about myself it will help:</p>

<p>I’m a white female
my gpa is 3.89, ~4.6 weighted.
sat M-790, v-760, w-770
sat2 math-770
sat2 us hist-770
sat2 physics-650 (my class has a weird order of coving the topics=[, its IB)</p>

<p>im a newspaper editor, in nhs, shs, englishhs etc…curiously not mathhs but it just strted this year</p>

<p>ive taken math/sci:
ib physics 2yrs
bc calc(5)
mv calc (now)
pre-ib chem and bio
ap compsci A (2nd yr)</p>

IB english, took ap lit exam (4)
IB history, took ap euro exam(4)
ap micro/macroeconomics(5/5)
6 years of honors/ib spanish</p>

<p>so i feel like ive kind of geared hs toward math&sci, esp considering how the ib program generally does not focus on this area, nor does it offer extensive elective opportunities</p>

<p>also, for some reason i think being female increases my odds at CoE.
but im suddenly more interested in literature/applied math/physics theory…also my CAS essay i think is better, but it is a bit risky…</p>

<p>CoE admit rate is higher? for some reason I had that reversed in my mind…</p>

<p>admit rate for women is about twice as high in CoE.</p>

<p>Def apply CoE, I can almost guarantee your an admit, they accept 45% of all female applicants. Good Luck!</p>

<p>that was nice to come back to! and hopefully not false hope</p>

<p>i just made my engineering essay better, and now it is more united with my arts&sciences one so if they read both they wont suspect me of preaching to the choir just to get admitted… not sure that was a good analogy but you probably get where im going.</p>