Arts supplement resume... HELP


So, in very last-minute style, I haven’t yet written the resume that some schools ask for when submitting an arts supplement - mainly because I only decided on submitting one recently! :0

This is compltetly alien to me, possibly because I’m an international applicant, or just that I’ve never written an arts resume before anyway.

My arts supplement is two short films I made.

Can anyone give me any pointers about what sort of format they are looking for and the what sort of content I should include?

I have an idea of what I’d say, but I just wanted to check that there isn’t anything specific format or content (etc) required.

Thanks in advance! :slight_smile:

Are you talking about the portfolio requirement or is this an actual resume of jobs you’ve had? I am only aware of art portfolio requirements.

Sorry, yes it’s for the arts portfolio.
They ask for a resume detailing the applicants ‘experience and recognititon’ but that’s all the info they give…