AS/A-Levels/GCSE grades

<p>I'm currently in Year 12 doing AS levels, and I'm considering Yale after Year 13, but I'm finding it difficult to make sense of the website.
Does anyone know what GCSE/AS/A-Level grades I would need to get to even be considered for Yale? I got good GCSE grades and I'm on track to get good AS Level grades. Would I have to take any additional tests or exams before I was considered for Yale, or would they be able to judge on my grades from GCSE,AS and A level?</p>

<p>Oh, and I've heard that a lot more people apply than are actually accepted, is this right?</p>

<p>I just want some information specific to my questions, because although their website is very helpful, they abbreviate a lot and theres nothing about english exam results or qualifications and applying, not that i could find anyway.
thanks x</p>



<p>Their acceptance rate is under 10% these days.</p>

<p>As for tests:</p>


[Applying</a> to Yale as a Freshman International Student](<a href=“Home | Yale College Undergraduate Admissions”>Home | Yale College Undergraduate Admissions)</p>

<p>So you must take either the SAT I or ACT, in addition to your A-levels. As for how well you need to do on all your tests? Very well. :slight_smile: They won’t list cutoff scores, as that’s not how admissions in the US work. They look at the student’s grades, test results, recommendations, essays, and extracurricular activities to get a rounded picture of who you are.</p>


<p>I go to school here too. I’ve heard from admissions people who visit, and the person in charge of US apps at my school, that they consider your GCSEs first, and tend to look at them the same way as Oxbridge - basically you want 8 A*s, 2As minimum, I think.</p>

<p>As for ASs and predicted grades, they’ll want As and A<em>s respectively, but I don’t think they look at, or even see, the module marks - my school’s transcript doesn’t even put them. So low As would be fine as long as you’re predicted an A</em> or two.</p>

<p>It’s possible that the requirements are actually lower than that. In America they look at your GPA, which corresponds to your GCSE/AS results (though this is in your favour as it’s possible to do less work all year and get good marks), your class rank (I don’t think schools here tend to rank, but they assume you’re highly ranked and your recommendations will probably give a sense of that) and your course load - however, most A Level courses are pretty rigorous and it’s not possible to be taking a lot of joke electives, which they look out for in America.</p>

<p>For these reasons I think they are pretty generous towards UK applicants as long as you meet the results they’d minimally be looking for in an Oxbridge student.</p>

<p>Best of luck!!</p>