As ELI would say

<p>Game #2 goes to the good guys!!! ROLL TIDE!!!</p>

<p>Sweet!!! Roll Tide!!</p>

<p>Awesome! Roll Tide!</p>

<p>They had me worried in the 7th but good to see Jackie settle down and end it. Roll Tide!!</p>

<p>My heart’s still racing casino! Thought we might let it slip away…Gotta get over those errors tomorrow night!</p>

<p>That was waaaaay more excitement than I needed at the end. RTR!</p>

<p>Oh my goodness…hearts in our throats here in Missouri!!! Am so glad that they stayed strong and managed to get this win. We are having a huge party here tomorrow night!!! Casino and anyone else if you’re in and around KCMO…you are so welcome to join us!!! Roll Tide!!
Menu…grilled chicken, pulled pork, ribs, baked beans, potato salad, cole slaw, macaroni salad, and midwest s’mores (chocolate graham crackers, marshmallows, rumbled reeses peanut butter cups and super chunky peanut butter). DD like to add a swirl of nutella!!!</p>

<p>If I wasn’t in bed with the flu I’d be heading to the airport for that menu. Here’s to your party being a great success and a National Championship celebration. Roll Tide!!</p>

<p>aphimommy, that sounds soooooo good. Guess it would take me too long to get there from Virginia! </p>

<p>Casino, hope you feel better!</p>

<p>Oh my goodness…Casino feel better real soon…care pkg on the way (well maybe not but sending Grandma’s chicken soup thoughts for feeling better…) Seriously …chicken soup works.</p>



<p>Jewish penicillin, as my (Jewish) grandmother liked to say.</p>

<p>Now, back to the game. Great overnight adjustments by 'Bama in their swagger, their crowding of the plate, and Traina’s pitch selection. The 7th inning was a little dodgy, granted, but that’s what big leads are for.</p>

<p>Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Last night looked like a different team than the night before. I agree with everyone else, bottom of the 7th was a nail bitter. I never really watched softball before but I have been following this series. I had my shakers out the last two nights! </p>

<p>How is it that these girls can pitch every night? Dumb question, but isn’t their arm wiped out? I would think mentally they would be exhausted. Looking forward to wrapping it up tonight. Roll Tide.</p>

<p>DD’s best friend from high school is the starting CF for Mizzou. I asked her the same question about pitching. She told me it was a different set of movements than a baseball player makes so it doesn’t wear and tear on the shoulder and rotator cuff as much.<br>
Mentally she said they are tough…part of the position. I know Mizzou acutually has a specialist on board that works with the girls “head game”. we had one that worked with our high school football players when our son played.
Can’t wait for tonight!! Roll Tide!!</p>

<p>Believe it or not, they say a softball pitcher’s movement is “natural”. Sure doesn’t look natural. DS’s ole girlfriend pitches in college. She says she is a little fatigued after pitching several days in a row, but really never sore or has any lack of strength. They have to be in great shape…Bama also has a sport psychiatrist that works with the girls. No surprise there, eh?</p>

<p>It was so much fun to be there! There were not anywhere near enough Bama fans but the ones who were there could make some noise! Wish we could go tonight.</p>



<p>Way to bring the mojo, lattelady! </p>

<p>You better get back up there tonight. Cancel all other obligations. We’re granting you a special dispensation on the highest authority (casinoexec). :)</p>

<p>Roll Tide!</p>

<p>I wonder if they will get the game in tonight. There are a lot of storms between here and there. If they postpone until Thursday, we might be able to get the mojo back up there. :)</p>

<p>Latte lady I was going to ask you about the weather . I saw where the game might be in jeopardy due to storms :-(</p>

<p>I’m actually hoping we get rained out tonight. Will give Traina a little extra rest.</p>

<p>Geez…If the game is postponed until tomorrow night, I have big decision to make: Softball game or son’s graduation…Hmmmm…???</p>