Can someone chance me please thanks!!! 
3.15 GPA (I have 3 A’s and one B+ currently) (Senior Year GPA:Weighted GPA:4.67 Unweighted GPA:3.67) Grades have improved tremendously over junior and senior year.
I had extreme family hardships freshman and sophomore year which I mentioned (multiple deaths in family + having to take care of family members and how it affected my GPA)
1730 SAT
AP: 6 classes total (2 junior, 4 senior year)
No Running Start Program
Student of the Month
Dad and his brother went to University of Washington (Legacy)
500+ Community Service Hours
- Built a computer science curriculum for a non-profit (worked at non-profit for two years)
- Volunteered at a after-school camp for three years
- Food bank volunteer for one year
- Started a class for the elderly related to computers (non-profit)
- Started my own company related to above bullet point ^
- Leader of Student Senate
- My school doesn’t rank, but I am in the top 25% for sure.
Side note: A lot of people above my rank have applied to UW as a “safety school”… will this affect me?
SAT is lower than average but honestly a 1730 won’t look bad and while your GPA is quite low at least you have an upward trend in your senior year. In my opinion your class rigor (if you have 6 classes and not 4 classes because the way you phrased it made it seem like you have only 4 classes), community service and your essay (if its good) may be your saving grace. Good luck I think you have an ok chance. BTW weighted GPA does not matter to UW - Seattle.
ADDITIONALLY if you so happen to get wait-listed/rejected your upward trend in your senior year may be a way to get you in through appeal so don’t ease off and work even harder! Good luck!
Okay so I’ll list my opinions on the different parts of your application:
- GPA: Cumulatively, it’s on the low side, for the average accepted UW student has a cumulative unweighted GPA of 3.75. However, there is a drastic, positive grade trend going for you, which is something UW likes to notice. You also explained the reason for your low GPA, which is good.
- SAT: Your SAT is on the low side for an OOS student. The average SAT for accepted UW students is around 1800.
- AP: AP class load seems pretty good. It’s clear that you are starting to challenge yourself more, and like I said, positive upward trends are always good.
- Legacy: I don’t know how much UW looks at this, but I know that all universities take notice of this, so it will definitely play in your favor.
- EC’s: This is the part of your application that definitely catches my interest. You started your own company. Damn. Impressive stuff. Your 500+ community service hours will probably be the thing that is the most positive aspect of your application.
Positive: Your EC’s look really good.
Negative: Your stats are on the low side.
The only reason why I emphasize the stats (even though not everything is about the stats) is because stats have to be higher for an OOS student than an in-state student. Generally, and I have seen in many threads, that most OOS students have at least a 3.6+ GPA and an 1850+ SAT, however your EC’s do have the potential to make up for it. Best of luck to you!
Sorry I’m coming out of nowhere @ferdinand32 but do you happen to know rhe average stats for an in state applicant that usually gets accepted? (Considering the EC’s are very good)
@YoonMiRae & @ferdinand32 : Thank you very much for your responses. Much appreciated.
@YoonMiRae , to answer your question, I am taking 4 classes (plus Computer Science as an elective, so 5 classes) this year. My school doesn’t offer anymore than those 4 core classes, so I cannot take anymore within the school.
@ferdinand32 : I am taking the max rigor offered at my school. I cannot add classes to my schedule.
If it makes you feel any better my unofficial transcript loaded with my student number and everything and I only got a 1750 sat. My GPA, however, was a 3.9 UW. I also had a really compelling essay ( my dad is in the military and I’ve moved 8 times and lived in Japan for 4 years). I was worried I wouldn’t get in my low sat and waiting for the transcript to load was very nerve racking so I know your pain.But with your EC’s I think you’ve got a good chance 
@emilym96 Thanks! 
Congrats on your acceptance!
@wiifixp I hope you get in! I’m rooting for you 
@emilym96 Congrats! have you received a letter yet?
@monkeyblue97 Thank you! Not yet because I’m in Nor Cal. Hopefully by the end of the week so I can actually start telling people! Have you received a letter?
@emilym96 No I’m in Nor Cal as well and I haven’t received a letter, but my transcript loaded so that means I’m in right?! I know people ask this question a lot, but I just want to be 100% sure 
@monkeyblue97 Yes, you’re in!!! Congrats! 
You will probably get it [the letter] Friday
Edit: I got my Seattle U letter on a Friday and it was sent out either on a Sunday or Monday… so you will most likely get it either tomorrow-saturday.
@wiifixp Thank you!! Good luck to you! I wish you all the best 
@monkeyblue97 After seeing countless people saying YES we are in, especially students already at UW, I think it’s safe to assume we are! At first I didn’t want to believe it was 100% sure that we’re in because I didn’t want to get my hopes up and then end up being waitlisted or something, but no one has ever posted that their transcript loaded and they ended up on the waitlist so I’m pretty positive we’re in
I also don’t think the school would take the time to load all the students’ transcripts if they were not actually admitted.
@emilym96 That is sooo reassuring to hear! I too was really worried about believing that I was accepted only to receive a rejection letter days letter. Ahh I guess we’re really in!!
Thanks for all your help
@monkeyblue97 No problem! Glad we were both accepted! It’s such a good feeling 
@uwhusky1997 Well the statistics I provided are the average overall admitted UW student, and since most students are residents themselves, I’d assume they’d be close to those stats. 3.75 GPA and 1800 SAT.
So does everyone here think I have a good chance of getting in at least undecided?
Yes I think you have a good chance. @wiifixp
@wiifixp I think UW cares a lot about gpa so it’s kinda risky for you i think. However your grades do show an upward trend and if you had a really good essay you can still have a good chance.