<p>Youre should have your GC draft/be ready to write a letter to CMU explaining the dip, because yes, 2 D’s on your first semester transcript are grounds for them to rescind your admission, especially since they still have the RD round and ED deferrals with many qualified applicants dying to take your spot in the class.</p>
<p>The letter should probably also say that you’ve recovered and this won’t pose a similar problem next year if you’re at CMU.</p>
<p>It isn’t guaranteed that they’ll accept your explanation, but its better than having none at all.</p>
<p>hey, if i write a letter with my counselor after I get back from the break and explain everything nd tell them Im gonna do better on 2nd semester</p>
<p>what is the chance of me still getting in?</p>
<p>Is it likely that colleges rescind?</p>
<p>I really have no place to go seriously. is there anyone who got rescinded their admissions at carnegie ?</p>
<p>Carnegie Mellon is going to be very concerned. I don’t know if they have rescinded admissions in the past, but it does happen at many colleges. You need to meet with your GC and come up with a plan for how to improve those grades. Talk to your teachers too. Don’t write your GC, meet with him in person and come up with a game plan. You might also call CMU’s admissions office and ask what they would need to see. I think if your grades improve by spring you will be all right. I’ve heard of a few cases where kids with poor spring grades were admitted provisionally. They basically started college already on probation. Good luck and don’t delay in meeting with your GC.</p>