Asian Advantage?

<p>Hi, I recently applied to ND EA, and it's one of my top schools. Does being Asian give me a slight edge on getting acceptance?</p>

<p>ND is one of my top choices, and I really hope I do get in. I think my GPA and SAT are pretty solid.</p>

<p>To be brutally honest, being Asian gives you no advantage. Asians are smart, let’s face it. Asians are whites are a dime a dozen when it comes to applying to the top schools. Colleges like to be diverse, and there’s no addition of diversity to accepting a white or Asian because there’s so many. It’s only a plus if you’re black, Hispanic, or another minority that doesn’t apply as much to college on average. Then your college is more “diverse” if you accept minorities rather than your common applicants. Sucks and its another form of racism in the disguise of political correctness, but its true.</p>

<p>Asians may have a little advantages only for this school among the top 20 schools. The worst is Asian males, who are even worst than the whites for top college admissions. The Asian girls are close to the white and benefit to enter science and engineering programs with their high test scores.</p>

<p>oh? I thought being Asian did contribute to diversity, because theres a much lower % of Asians at ND compared to other top 20 schools.</p>

<p>Julieannab, your post is wrong on a number of levels. You obviously know very little- other than what is blindly perpetuated on forums like CC-concerning the general admissions process.</p>

<p>Don’t many asians here - might give you an advantage.</p>

<p>But yeah, not nearly anything compared to what black or hispanic would do for you.</p>

<p>I would complain about the big boost they get in admissions, but to be completely honest, I like it… because whenever they let in anyone (of any color) who is weaker academically, it makes the curve easier… (includes athletes, affirmative action unqualified legacies, etc)</p>

<p>Gee, I thought diversity was valued because minorities bring different cultures and experiences to the University and you might be able to learn something from them. My personal opinion is that ethnicity probable plays a smaller role than you might think. Only the admissions people really know. Regardless, I don’t think they would accept people that they expect to fail - even if they have slightly lower scores. They may have something else going for them like supporting themselves through high school.</p>


<p>If you were an Asian male student, you would not think “that ethnicity probable plays a smaller role than you might think.” For the top colleges, an Asian male has to be much better in terms of SAT/ACT and GPA than a black male to be admitted.</p>

<p>Actually, being Asian really doesn’t help you at Notre Dame. Koreans, especially, since that’s the largest minority at ND.
It might give you the SLIGHTEST edge if you’re applying to some sort of humanities major, but if you’re applying to engineering or a science, it could actually hurt you.</p>

<p>^^information coming from Matt O’Rourke, who was a ND admissions counselor until this year (I asked because I’m in the same situation)</p>

<p>Oh… I’m half Korean. That sucks lol.</p>