Asian Population at G Tech

<p>I am just wondering if there are many Asians at G Tech or not. </p>


<p>My guess is the population is 20% asian, or roughly 4000 students</p>

<p>not sure of the numbers but you could check with this link:</p>

<p>[home</a> > organizations > results](<a href=“]home”></p>

<p>Yes, I wouldn’t be able to tell you numbers, but the asian population is high. Between the time I started writing this sentence and when I finished, two Asians passed by. Especially if you consider Indians as Asians.</p>

<p>For this term, 21.2% for the undergraduates. Good guess, gthopeful! Masters is 33%. PhD is 46%.</p>

<p>[Enrollment</a> by Ethnicity](<a href=“]Enrollment”></p>

<p>The Asian population at Georgia Tech is therefore less than 21.2% if you believe Indians are not Asians.</p>

<p>I like how they break “Indian” out as a separate ethnicity, then clearly use “Indian” to represent Native American and not Indian.</p>

I was looking for the percentage of East and Southeast Asians. I am little “hungry” for Asians (girls especially) after living in this community with scarcely any Asians for so many years lol.</p>

<p>Haha, yellow fever.</p>

<p>The ratio still applies to the 21.2% Asian population. If you really want to date Asian girls, I would recommend looking into UC schools. Several of them are at least plurality Asian, and their ratios are far more balanced than ours is.</p>

<p>Are you referring to this video on youtube lol? Loved it=P</p>

<p>I am not going to the West lol! I prefer the East and really am not that desperate to date, but it is always nice to:).</p>

<p>Yup, the number of indians(asians) in GA Tech is very high. I am an Indian and I many of my seniors are in GA Tech and hopefully i will also be there in a few months.</p>

<p>But I think that many public unis have a high rate of asian students over there, for example - Purdue, Berkeley, UIUC, FSU, etc. so dont be freaked out if u say a lot of asians in the next 2 years.</p>

<p>yes, the make up about 90% of the Van Leer EE/CMPE building.</p>



<p>Yep, I have two friends at UCLA and they both chose there for… less than academic reasons.</p>

am new here. I want to come to study and live in georgia. I need all of your help. Please suggest me how may i come?</p>