Asians in UA fraternities/sororities?

I am currently an upcoming senior in high school and I go to a fairly well-known school in Northern Alabama (the student body consists of mainly white students who come from middle to upper class families, therefore there is not much diversity) and I have never experienced any form of racism and have many friends. Of all the colleges I’ve researched, UA particularly caught my interest- I’ve already visit the campus and many people were very kind- and I’m really interested in the sororities at UA, but there seems to be none to little Asian, Hispanic, or African American members. I’ve come across blogs or posts that criticizes the lack of “minority” ethnicities in the Greek system and the racism at UA so I’m really nervous about signing up for rush. I love the idea of making life-long friendships and contributing to the community and university with my sorority sisters, but I don’t want to waste time attending the recruitment process if my ethnicity is the main factor of my liability to join a sorority- if I have even the slightest chance to join. Many of my friends are encouraging me to sign up, as they will as well, so I am in a pretty conflicted situation. Can someone here please explain the recruitment process (and if race is a huge factor) and does racism towards Asians or other races exist at UA like some blogs claim? Thank you so much for taking your time to read my post! :slight_smile:

No, I am an Asian and there has been only one person who called me “Jap” in Fb, which doesnt really count.
Look into rushes for various frats/sororities and whichever gave you bids, pick the one you feel the most comfortable. I went to several rushes and they were very welcoming. Too bad I couldnt do fraternity.
Also…racism is everywhere and the UA being particularly more discriminating is a total BS.Dont worry.

Oh I see~ this made me feel much better! Thank you!

Liln, I’m pretty sure I know which school you’re attending and that one is probably the least diverse in North Alabama! (excluding Birmingham). UA sororities are actively seeking to become more diverse. This is a GREAT time to rush! Yes, the percentage of Asians in sororities is low, but that’s because the number of Asians attending UA…and for that matter, living in Alabama…is low. But all are open to women of all colors.
Sorority recruitment is WAY different from fraternities. It is a process of mutual selection. You begin by attending short parties at every sorority house. They select the ones they want to invite back, you choose which ones you want to look at again.
How do they know who they want to invite back after a 20-minute meeting? Recommendations! This is where you start asking around to find out who is a sorority alumna that you know. Ask your teachers, women in church, where you work, relatives, friends’ mothers. Your parents can help by asking among their friends. You can post it on Facebook, too. When you find a lady you know, tell her you’re going to college and you’re going through sorority recruitment. Then ask if she will write you a recommendation. You will want to give her a packet that includes your resume, a photo, and a school transcript (unofficial is OK). You need a recommendation for 16 of the 18 sororities (Alpha Delta Chi and Sigma Delta Tau don’t participate in formal recruitment).
Also, you have a secret weapon - the Greater Huntsville Alumnae Panhellenic Association. They help girls in Huntsville and area find recommendations for recruitment! You need to move fast, though. Go to their website hsvgogreek dot com slash recruitment. These packets MUST be submitted by June 1.
Read up on how it all works - go to the uapanhellenic dot com and read everything under “Recruitment.” Other good, reliable sources - sororitygirl101 dot com, thesororitylife dot com, and thesororityparents dot com for parents. There’s also a Facebook group for UA girls (UA Class of 19 Rush) and for moms (Alabama Sorority Recruitment Moms). You can message me, too.
Good luck! Roll Tide! And get moving! :smiley:

liln10: Just to clarify…you are just finishing up your junior year in HS, correct? (or did I read that wrong?)

Thank you SO much for the advice and encouragment! I am more confident then ever now to participate in rush :slight_smile: however, I do not attend Huntsville High School (my description must’ve been misleading haha~ my school is somewhat in Northern AL, but it is much closer to Birmingham-sorry for the confusion!) so, unfortunately, I won’t be eligible to get help from the association you’ve mentioned… but that’s alright! I will definitely listen to your very helpful advice and “get moving”~ again, thank you soo much!

Yes, I am finishing up my junior year! You are correct :slight_smile:

@Southlander please read comment #5!

@amy9998 please read comment #6!

Best wishes to you :slight_smile:

Birmingham also has an alumnae panhellenic!
But if you’re a high school junior, you’ve got plenty of time to prepare. :wink:

@Southlander I will look into that! Thank you :slight_smile:

Just as a data point. My Chinese-American son just completed his freshman year at UA and he pledged (and was initiated into) a fraternity on campus. Never had a problem. We are not from Alabama.

Thank you for the info! I hope that I’ll have a good experience at UA too @NoVADad99

I’ve seen pics from last year and there were a few Asian and biracial Asian girls rushing.

Reviving yet another Bama thread… Any more insight on Asians in Greek life? Or in general at UA?

I have noticed more Asians in sororities this year, but that just may be because I’ve been looking for them. We do have Californians, especially, come here amazed that there are not more Asians at UA, but I think it’s because there are so many more in California than the rest of the country. It’s just not a big deal.